Competitions Featured Gaming News Site Announcements

Win a Copy of King of Fighters XII!

NOTE: This competition has ended.

We’ve been quiet on this front, but it’s competition time again here at Onelargeprawn, and we’ve managed to snag some gaming treats to give away to our loyal readers.

Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the franchise, SNK Playmore’s team-based fighter King of Fighters XII was recently launched in South Africa, and now it’s time for YOU to get in with the chance to win!

We’re giving away two copies of the game – one for the Playstation 3, the other for the Xbox 360. Sounds good? Excellent. The competition details can be found after the jump. Go to it!

Gadgets Gaming News

Digital Camo: Custom Vinyls For Your Gadgets

Abe over at The Given Collective has started up a new venture, Digital Camo, that brings some sweet custom skins for all your precious gadgets, be it a PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, iPhone, iPod, or laptop. All the artwork is done by Abe himself on high quality, low tac vinyls that are easily applied and just as easily removed.

If you’d like a more customized skin, you can send your image to them and they’ll turn it into a one-of-a-kind creation for you.

There’s a small selection of skins available at the moment, but Abe informs me that new ones will be added on a daily basis. Prices start at R50 for an iPhone skin, R120 for a PS3 skin, and R215 for a full Xbox 360 skin.

This is one skin I’d definitely like to have on my PS3 <hint hint>. Bears are so hot right now.

Check out Digital Camo for more locally-produced skins.

Competitions Site Announcements

Win a Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood Hamper

I was having a chat the other day with fellow gamer Delon from Curious Onion. He is fine in case you wanted to know. He also happens to be giving away a rocking Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood hamper that includes a branded t-shirt and bandana, a promotional copy of the game for the Xbox 360, and a set of 6 tequila shot glasses. There is no tequila in sight though – Delon could have drunk it, he is sneaky that way ;-)

In any case if you’d like to win the hamper, head on over to Curious Onion competition post and answer the simple question. The giveaway will end on July 25th.

BONUS: It turns out Delon was on the locally-produced show The Verge to demonstrate Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood. He makes a slight hash of it. See the video after the jump.

Gaming News

Keeping it Local: E3 Gaming News from SA Blogs

Usually we like to leave gaming news up to our friends at the local gaming blogs… and today is no exception ;-) . If you’re a gamer then your attention should be firmly fixed on the happenings at the annual trade show E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) where video game developers rock up to show off their upcoming games and game-related hardware.

E3 2009 is in full swing from today until June 4th at the Los Angeles Convention Center and in our link loving post today we’ll cover some of the E3 news as reported by the South African gaming blogs. Check it:

  • A selection of the most exciting videos shown at E3. Assassin’s Creed 2 is in Venice and Metal Gear Solid: Rising comes to the Xbox 360.
  • Details from Microsoft’s impressive press conference. Good things are afoot.
  • Project Natal is Microsoft’s new motion controller that’s not really a controller at all. Could this dethrone Nintendo in the motion sensing department?
  • See Project Natal in action. Looks fun if a little nerdy and has the potential to cause self-injury.
  • EA release screenshots of Need For Speed: SHIFT. Will this title boost the franchise out of the doldrums?
  • Dante’s Inferno Trailer at E3. “Go to Hell” is an appropriate slogan.
  • PC-killer Crysis sees sequel heading to consoles. Crysis 2 says no consoles to needed be upgraded – hooray!

If you’ve found interesting E3 articles on other local gaming blog, let us know.

[via Lazygamer | el33tonline | CuriousOnion | PS3 Blog]

Gaming News

Video Game Preview: Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation, the fourth installment of the Terminator series, features stars the tantrum-throwing Christian Bale as John Connor as he and his human allies fight against the relentless robot armies of Skynet. This sci-fi post-apocalyptic war film set in 2018 is directed by McG and is slated for release in South Africa on June 5th, 2009. But enough about that, let’s talk the upcoming third-person shooter that will tie-in with the movie release.

Developed by Swedish game studio GRIN, Terminator Salvation will be a cover-based shooter whose story takes places two years prior to the film and shows the rise of John Connor through the soldier ranks to rightful place as the leader of the resistance. In that respect, the game’s story is an interquel (big words I eat them for breakfast!) that fits between Terminator 3 and the forthcoming Terminator Salvation movie.

The fight continues after the jump.

Game Reviews

Game Review: Rock Band 2 for Xbox 360

Here at Onelargeprawn we really appreciate hearing from our readers be it in the comments or other contributions, and Xbox 360 forum member Marko MG THABO Swanepoel sent in this fantastic write-up. If you have something you’d like to contribute or found something interesting on the web please get in touch with us.

Without further ado, here is Marko’s review of Rock Band 2 for the Xbox 360.

After Rock Band 2 finally arrived on our shores most of the rhythm game nuts couldn’t wait to get their hands on it. Let me tell you…it was worth the wait. Harmonix did an absolutely brilliant job at making Rock Band the most immersive ‘Rock simulator’ that money can buy.

Let me just get right to the juicy part and just say that the song library is just spectacular. It includes everything from Punk rock to Heavy metal and it will satisfy all ages, young and old. Your dad will probably love some songs from the past or your best buddy will like all the famous nu-metal bands that appear in this game. Songs include some of the best artists from all generations such as The Who, System of a Down, Disturbed, AC/DC, Foo Fighters, Judas Priests, and Metallica just to name a few. The feature that takes the cake is the DLC (downloadable content). It’s just packed with great songs. Some legendary songs and some songs that are just awesome to play at a party.

More of this rocking review can be found after the jump.

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Reminder: Win Turok or Heavenly Sword!

Just a quick reminder for those who might not be aware – there’s less than a week to go before our latest competition ends. To stand a chance of winning either Heavenly Sword (Platinum) for the Playstation 3 or Turok for the Xbox 360, head on over to our competition post and leave a comment on telling us which game you’d like to win. You can’t be a greedy pig and ask for both, so please choose one or the other.

This competition ends on 20th April 2009, and is only open to South African residents. Terms and conditions apply.

Site Announcements

Game Giveaway: Win Turok or Heavenly Sword!

Note: This competition has ended.

It’s a new month, and time again for a Onelargeprawn competition. Up for grabs in the month of April is Heavenly Sword (Platinum) for the Playstation 3, and Turok for the Xbox 360.

To enter the draw, simply leave a comment on this post telling us which game you’d like to win – Turok or Heavenly Sword. You can’t be a greedy pig and ask for both, so please choose one or the other m’kay ;) Only one entry per person.

This competition will run from 6th April to 20th April 2009, and is only open to South African residents. Terms and conditions apply.

A big thanks to our friend am_nesia at for providing the competition prizes.