Game Reviews Site Announcements

We Review: X-Men Destiny (PS3 | Xbox360 | Wii | NDS)

Superhero games are one of those strange phenomena where things could be amazing, or they could be terrible. In the former category, for example, we have the wonderful Batman: Arkham Asylum. In the latter category, we have the infamous Superman 64, arguably the worst comic-to-video-game adaptation in existence. Superman 64 was so bad, in fact, that MTV Gamer’s 2.0 rated it the No. 1 worst game of 1999. I am fairly certain that the only game worse than Superman 64 is 1982’s E.T. The Extraterrestrial for the Atari 200 console, a game that was so bad that Atari actually buried the cartridges in a landfill in New Mexico (Wikipedia), and might actually have been responsible for the great Video Game Crash of 1983 (Wikipedia). Imagine how ridiculously unplayable a game must be to actually crash an entire market sector. Thankfully, X-Men Destiny is not as bad as Superman 64, and certainly not as terrible as E.T., as much as certain other reviewers would have you think that is the case. Is it any good at all, though? One brave reviewer, armed with nothing more than a video game controller and an iron constitution, ventured into the world of X-Men to find out.

Game Reviews Site Announcements

We Review: Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)

“Brothers to the End”. That’s the tagline of the last instalment of the Gears of War trilogy. And yet, despite that fact, there are clearly some sisters in the game as well. That’s a large, misogynistic oversight there. Still, that can be forgiven if the game is any good. Ah, who am I kidding? You already KNOW the game is good; but do you want to know just HOW good? Find out after the jump.

Featured Gaming News

We Review: rAge 2011

Your favourite gaming reviewer (that’s me, by the by) went to the 2011 rAge expo at the Coca Cola Dome in Johannesburg this weekend.

I got a good look at some of the most exciting up and coming games for the next few months, and even got hands on with a few of them, where I was able to kick, punch, hit, and beg my way to the front. Hit the jump to find out what went down at the event.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Shadows of the Damned

Shadows of the Damned is a prime example of why the old adage of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” still rings true. Not so much because people are generally too quick to judge, but rather because said cover can often contain blatantly obvious lies, which can quickly lead one’s judgement astray, based on the obvious inaccuracies presented by the tag phrases on the back of the box. Wonder why? Read about it after the break.

Game Reviews

We Review: Red Faction: Armageddon

Let’s get a few things straight as an arrow right off the bat. Any game that lets you use a giant hammer to crush your foes into so many tiny pieces, is alright by me. Any game that lets you—nay, requires you—to use a giant mech suit and assorted robots is all right by me. And Red Faction: Armageddon does all that and much more. It’s a riotous ride and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Find out why I looked past the bore and enjoyed the gore, after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

LEGO Star Wars III: Clone Wars is the latest in a series of games that make the unlikely mix between the famous toy and famous movies. The game itself follows the first two seasons of the Star Wars Clone Wars animated series on television (which I have to admit, to my chagrin, I have never watched. I am the world’s worst Star Wars fan). Find out whether the game is a brick-building success or a brick-breaking mess after the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare

For as long as I can remember, the ideology behind cowboys and the Wild West has enthralled me. So too has the phenomenon known as the undead. Imagine then how surprised I was when Rockstar Game Studios announced the culmination of two of the greatest (and most successful) storytelling experiences. Red Dead Redemption on its own was a blockbuster of epic proportions, and even I didn’t expect it to do as well as it did. Now imagine throwing zombies and other supernatural creatures into the mix. You wouldn’t be wrong if you assumed that it would lead to an even greater gaming experience. Let us embark upon a journey. A journey of awe and wonder. A journey of shock and horror. A journey of the undead. [Please note: If you haven’t finished Red Dead Redemption, you may encounter spoilers in this review.]

Read more after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Fable III

It should come as very little surprise to anyone that Lionhead Studios’ Fable 3 is the sequel to the hit game, Fable 2. It should also come as very little to no surprise that, like its predecessor, the game is an action RPG set in the land of Albion, a place filled with high adventure that’s beyond compare, magic and mystery that’s part of its history, and copious quantities of gummiberry juice potions. Find out whether this game bounces here and there and everywhere after the…jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock (Xbox360)

The problem with all rhythm-based games is that you either love them or hate them; you either have a talent for them or you stay away from the whole dratted genre in case you embarrass yourself either by playing badly, dancing badly, singing badly, or flinging various plastic instruments around the room. That being said, there is a wonderful social element involved, especially if everyone sucks at the game to the same degree. On the other hand, if you do have a talent for rhythm games, they’re a great source of fun, relaxation (in a stressy kind of way), and new music for you to listen to. Happily, yours truly falls into this category. If you’ve any interest in rhythm-based games, read on. If you hate them, reading this review will not change your mind one whit, jot, dot, or miniscule iota.

After the break: the full rocking review.

Featured Gaming News

Tales of a Console Newbie

I’m a gamer, always have been, probably always will be. I’m proud of it. However for many years my gaming has been purely PC-based. There are many reasons for this. The first and most significant is that I just could never see the value in a machine purely for games; my PC is my workhorse and its fancy graphics card delivers better gaming quality than I have ever seen on a console. So I get the best of both worlds. Besides no console gamer can ever tell me first person shooters are better on a console… they would be lying. This is a fact.

This is the story of how I finally caved and bought a console. The full tale is after the jump.