Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Dragon’s Dogma

In the wake of such epic fantasy RPGs as Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur comes a new IP, Dragon’s Dogma, which promises to be full of dragons, ghoulies, ghosties, and long-leggity beasties. And, of course, all this comes with a healthy dose of killing aforementioned things that go bump in the deep, dark night. And it has sidequests, too, because everyone loves a good sidequest. I sidequested through the this game to see how many dragons I could kill by the end of it.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Awesomenauts

What do you get when you cross an 80s style intro with funky animation, powerups, and insane multiplayer side-scrolling game play? You get Awesomenauts, of course. You could also get a lemon meringue pie if you get the ingredients wrong, but mostly you’ll get Awesomenauts. I took to the battleground to see what this game was all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

If you’ll recall, last year I reviewed Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and gave it a great score, praising the gameplay as well as the way that the game covered the details of the story. This year, we have the sequel to the game, titled Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. I fought through hordes of shinobi to bring you this review, so I hope you appreciate the blood I shed for you, dear readers.

Game Reviews

We Review: The Splatters

What do you get when you mix a physics-based puzzle game with suicidal blobs of paint, all mixed with some fancy acrobatics? You get The Splatters, of course. I took this game for a messy flip to see what it was all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Zumba Fitness Rush

Fitness games are an awesome way to combine something I don’t like (exercise) with the one thing I do (video gaming). I’d originally played the first Zumba Fitness game when it appeared for Kinect, and although I enjoyed it, I found it a tad too difficult for a complete Zumba n00b. I was slightly wary, then, when I heard about the new game in the series, titled Zumba Fitness Rush, but I’m nothing if not a sucker for dance and rhythm games, so I took it for a whirl around the living room floor to check out its moves.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 is the conclusion to the brilliant sci-fi RPG series detailing Commander Shepard’s efforts to save the galaxy from total destruction. Or at least partial destruction—you can never trust a bad guy to do this sort of thing right. You’ve probably already heard and read many dissenting opinions about the game, so I imagine you’re asking why you should read mine. Because I’m entertaining, that’s why. Also, I have some good, common-person common-sense opinions. So read on.

Gaming News

Report Back: Mass Effect 3 Launch Party

Thanks to some very nice folks up at Mweb Gamezone (thanks, @mwebgmz!), (thanks, @kalaharicom!) and EA South Africa (thanks, @EA_southafrica!), I was fortunate enough to be invited to the launch event for Mass Effect 3 (the review will be coming your way soon!) on the 9th of March. The event was sponsored by Mweb Gamezone,, Gamersgate, EA South Africa, Red Bull, Samsung, and Rectron. If you’re not one of the approximately fifty guests, PR people, press, and general VIPs who were invited, then here’s a rundown of what sheer awesomeness that you missed out on. Yes, I’m telling you all this to make you jealous.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: SSX

Whether it is carving, jumping, grinding or flying, SSX has it all. From the word go, I am going to say this game is amazing! Being EA’s first next-gen offering of the franchise, the game does not disappoint. The graphics are great, the locations detailed, and it’s very tricky in parts. And the tricks? Well, they just got more insane than before! Find out why after the break.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Grand Slam Tennis 2

EA is well known for the sports games it produces, most notably the FIFA branded soccer games (the latest of which, FIFA 12, is still one of the best-selling soccer games around). I’m not a sports nut, however, so it was with a little bit of trepidation that I put EA’s Grand Slam Tennis 2 into the drive tray of my console and fired it up. Find out in this review what surprises, if any, this game had in store for me.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Skyrim

The battle between the sexes has never been more animated then when it comes to gaming. Well at least in my experience. I assume it’s mostly because when we’re playing games we’re not paying them enough attention (I’m going to pay for that). Fine, shoot the messenger, but if your friends are anything like mine, by now you’ll have heard droves of woman complaining about how their significant other is addicted to the game. I like to call it “being skyrimmed”. This in itself is an indication of how immersive Skyrim can be. At Onelargeprawn we like to do things differently, so I thought “why not turn the whole battle of the sexes on its head? Let’s get a girl to review the game!” And what a good idea that turned out to be. Find out what Ingrid, our guest gamer, thought of Skyrim, after the jump.