Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

Flight of Fancy

What happens with you combine Hayduke Midlfinger Sr., a wingsuit, and a GoPro film camera? A flight of fancy in the French mountainside.

Find two more vertigo-inducing videos, Ground Effect and Adorable Kitten Sneezes, after the jump.

Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

The Art of Flight

The first day back at work is never pleasant, especially so when no one else in my department is in the office. And seeing the lyrics to Celine Dion’s “All By Myself” still scrawled on the whiteboard reminds me that even the cleaning staff are yet to return from holiday. To pass the time, I cry into my coffee cup imagine I’m doing far more adventurous things and flying squirrels always come to my mind first. Check out this fine example of wingsuit base jumping by Phoenix Fly.

[via The High Definite]