Abe over at The Given Collective has started up a new venture, Digital Camo, that brings some sweet custom skins for all your precious gadgets, be it a PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, iPhone, iPod, or laptop. All the artwork is done by Abe himself on high quality, low tac vinyls that are easily applied and just as easily removed.
If you’d like a more customized skin, you can send your image to them and they’ll turn it into a one-of-a-kind creation for you.
There’s a small selection of skins available at the moment, but Abe informs me that new ones will be added on a daily basis. Prices start at R50 for an iPhone skin, R120 for a PS3 skin, and R215 for a full Xbox 360 skin.
This is one skin I’d definitely like to have on my PS3 <hint hint>. Bears are so hot right now.

Check out Digital Camo for more locally-produced skins.