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Goldfish’s “We Come Together” Celebrates Retro Games

Popular South African band Goldfish shows love for all things retro in the music video for the single, We Come Together taken off their album, Get Busy Living.

We Come Together was created by Mike Scott with contributions by some 20+ artists from every continent in the world (except for Antarctica, because who the hell would willingly live there?) The music video features lovable characters and scenes from your favourite retro arcade games. It has Angry Birds, Darth Vader, Hello Kitty, and Keyboard Cat. It has fatalities, giblets, and katamaris. It’s got voxel art, claymation, and chiptunes. All in all, it is made of WIN.

If you’re interested, find the “making of” video after the jump.

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Awesome Voxel Art by Metin Seven

I am lacking sleep. This morning I nearly used antihistamine cream as toothpaste and Deems remarked that at least my teeth wouldn’t itch. I suppose he has a fair point there. Later on the day, I tried to use my security tag to open a door and found that it just flung wide open – I was about to launch into a diatribe about the company’s lax security measures until I realized that the door led to the men’s toilet.

So I’m still half-asleep and I hope my barometer of awesomness isn’t poked as well, but I do think this is pretty sweet stuff. Dutch designer Metin Seven has created some fantastic illustrations of the voxel kind. A voxel is like a pixel in 3D, and Seven uses them in his character designs and more interestingly to put a 3D spin on classic 2D games. Have a look at some of his pixel illustrations after the jump.