Arty Awesomeness Science & Technology

Up, Up, and Away!

Here’s a wonderful example of life imitating art. Inspired by the events of Pixar’s charming action-adventure, Up, scientists and engineers over at National Geographic set about turning a house into a makeshift airship.

They attached 300 coloured weather balloons to a lightweight yellow house in an attempt to lift it off its foundations. The team successfully launched the flying house from a private airfield, and the two balloon pilots onboard the contraption flew it for an hour and reached an altitude of over 10,000 feet. It secured the team a world record for the largest balloon cluster flight ever attempted.

Have a look at the news report from Good Morning America below and some images from the build after the jump.

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Skynet Symphonic

Remember that trippy song almost exclusively made using samples from “Disney’s Alice In Wonderland”? You’re forgiven if you don’t – the creator Fagottron had to pull the video down because he was not (and is still not) legally allowed to sample any audio and video from the movie. He then returned from hiatus with Uplar, a remix of sound bites taken from the Disney/Pixar film “Up”.

Now known as Pogo, the talented 21-year old electronic music artist from Perth, Australia has created another micro-mix of sounds, this time from one of the greatest action films of all time, James Cameron’s “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”. It is, without a doubt, insanely awesome. Check it out.

In case you missed them, catch his other remixes after the jump.