I may not know a whole lot about art, but I’d like to think I have a decent gauge on the funny stuff. And I’ve just found something new that marries the two quite well.
That’s Not Art takes the pieces of “art” that people post to Tumblr and takes a good stab at them. It’s delightfully written. Have a look at a few of them below.
You’re All I Need (via artpixie)

Does the person you wrote this to have a farm and an electrical plant and the ability to regurgitate fresh water? Because otherwise you’re going to starve to death and be thirsty until you die. Suggestion for a more accurate wording: “You’re the only person I need.” Even then it’s not technically true, but at least it’s not as ludicrous. After all, air is pretty useful.
Giving it Away (via artpixie)

Everyone knows true happiness is KEEPING it. Unless you literally mean that tiny shell in your hand. In that case, yes, we agree, get rid of it. Holding onto little trinkets like that can easily fill your house with garbage. Then true happiness becomes just making it one weekend without your wife asking you to clean out the garage.
Love Love (via iamblessed)

This just seems pointless on every level, not to mention the insanely low quality of the image used. “I love love” is about as useful as writing, “I enjoy enjoyment” or “Fun is fun.” Nice handwriting, too. Perhaps instead of wasting time loving love, you should start trying to love penmanship.
See a few more at That’s Not Art.
[via The Triumph of Bullshit]