Cautionary Tales

Worker Calls Boss Serial Masturbator, Gets the Sack

At one time or another in our working careers, we’ve all slagged off our bosses in words we wouldn’t necessarily say in front of our mothers. A 23-year-old administration clerk at a clothing factory south of Durban took things to a new level (or should I say platform) when he posted on Facebook that his boss was a serial masturbator!

The company found out when a co-worker reported the issue, took umbrage, and fired the clerk.

Wits Law Clinic Professor Willem de Klerk said the South African constitution promotes freedom of expression “provided that what is expressed is based on fact”. I doubt anyone would actually admit to furiously jerking off 10 times a day so the malicious Facebook comment could (and was) considered as illegal as a verbal defamatory statement.

Considering the disdain some companies have for Facebook I certainly wouldn’t use it to air my grievances; I’d probably call them a See-You-Next-Thursday under my breath and leave it at that ;-)

Read the full story at IOL.

[via afairweather on Twitter]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Top Gear Invades Vietnam

Good Motoring, Vietnam! The Top Gear team is going global, with shooting locations taking place all over the world,  and they’re starting with Vietnam. As if these people haven’t suffered enough under the Westerners, they must now prepare to receive Hamster,  Captain Slow, and the bat-shit insane Jeremy Clarkson.

Click Play to watch the special, it’s in two parts.

Top Gear Vietnam Special – Part 1

Top Gear Vietnam Special – Part 2

The Vietnam show will be followed by trips to Hong Kong, Johannesburg, and Sydney. Incidentally, the waiting list to get a first-hand glimpse of the show being produced contains an incredible 336 000 names (which translates to about a 21-year wait!) so visiting these exotic locations may be the best chance to see the show in-person – via