Awesomeness Flash Games Gaming News

Play This: Maverick Bird

At the height of its existence, the fat-lipped Flappy Bird was netting its creator – Mr Dong – a tidy USD 50,000 a day in revenue. But it ruffled too many feathers and was recently removed from both Google Play and Apple’s App Store.

Though it’s gone from the official channels, the silliness of Flappy Bird lives on. We’ve seen Squishy Bird, Flappy Doge, and just the other day indie developer Terry Cavanagh showed his appreciation by releasing Maverick Bird.

Better known for the dangerously addictive and fiendishly difficult Super Hexagon, Cavanagh tweaks the Flappy Bird mechanics by adding a dive action. The thumping musical accompaniment is provided by KOZILEK.

Let your rage continue at and let us know how far you got.

[via SA Gamer]

Arty Entertainment Music Video Clips

Marquese Scott Dances to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”

You may remember Marquese “Nonstop” Scott from his wibbly wobbly dance routine set to Pumped Up Kicks.

In his latest video, the king of the dubstep dance pays tribute to the late king of pop. Watch as Scott pops, locks, and contorts his body in a reinterpretation of Michael Jackson’s Thriller. I swear this man has no bones in his body.

[via Obvious Winner]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured TV Video Clips

Breaking Bad: Requiem for a Dream

All hail the king. Breaking Bad makes its triumphant return in July for the fifth and final season. From images of Walt as Nyan Cat in Breaking GIFs to all manner of amazing artworks, it’s clear that the show has great chemistry with its viewers.

YouTuber user Jswinney1 shows appreciation for the series with this fantastic recap of seasons one through four. Accompanied by the composition, Lux Aeterna, by Clint Mansell, the tribute shows the dire beginnings of messieurs White and Pinkman to the violent rise of Heisenberg.

[via SA Gamer]

Cartoons & Comics TV Video Clips

The Simpsons’ “Game of Thrones” Intro

Winter is coming. Literally. It’s getting a tad colder in the southern hemisphere as citizens prepare for the biting cold that is on the way. They’re also waiting for the second season of Game of Thrones to begin, and in tribute to the medieval show, The Simpsons transform their town of Springfield into Westeros, complete with a despotic king as he watches over the kingdom from Burns Landing. Check out The Simpsons’ “Game of Thrones” couch gag below.

[via The Huffington Post]

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips Weirdness

Hilarious! Red Army Performs Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”

The final match of the FIFA World Cup was aired last night and was a boring affair if not for the scrappy fights between the players. We were in awe of Nigel de Jong’s high-flying kick to the chest of Spain’s Xabi Alonso. Clearly someone brushed up on his kung fu skills beforehand.

Anyways, from the country that bought you kung fu fighting, white rabbit candies, and the cultural revolution comes the latest viral video. It’s a hilarious tribute to the late Michael Jackson performed by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The video uses archive footage from a ceremony to mark the 30th anniversary of a significant retreat by the Red Army. The soldiers in full military dress are singing in perfect time to the sounds of MJ’s hit “Beat It” that has been dubbed over the original soundtrack. It’s brilliant stuff, you best check it out before it gets “harmonized” which apparently is Chinese slang for “censored”. Also, it may take a while to load, so be patient. If the video doesn’t load at all, watch it directly at Tudou.

[via brainpicker (twitter) | CSMonitor]


“Nobody” by the Wonder Girls

My day just got off to a cheery start. I’ve never heard of them before but the Wonder Girls are a very popular a South Korean girl group. Since their debut in 2007, they’ve scored 3 consecutive #1 hit singles and Nobody is their latest release.

It’s a catchy tune and worth a listen. With choice being one of our top priorities here at Onelargeprawn I give you two videos:

1. Watch a uniformed Korean man and two friends dancing to the song. The guy in the background remains asleep the whole time.

2. Watch the five ladies from the Wonder Girls doing their thing. They are hot. That is all.

[Thanks Lucy!]