Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

The Arctic Light

Terje Sørgjerd is fast becoming everyone’s favourite time-lapse photographer. His two previous efforts, The Aurora and The Mountain have been been viewed over 13 million times!

In his latest time-lapse masterpiece, Sørgjerd travels to Lofoten, a Norwegian archipelago in the Artic Circle to capture the midnight sun, a phenomenon where, given the right conditions, the sun is visible for 24 hours. His 12-day trip was marred with accidents – aside from the equipment lost to the sea, he also fell into the Arctic twice and was hospitalized when he slipped off a rock.

In his interview with The Huffington Post, Sørgjerd says that, apart from a few adjustments, no HDR or photoshopping has been done to the 9 terabytes of data that he gathered on the journey. He calls his time-lapse video The Arctic Light. It’s truly a magnificent view. See it below.

[via SurrealTiggi on Twitter]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology Video Clips

Majestic Night Sky Time-Lapse

No matter how many times we’ve marvelled at the Photopic Sky Survey panorama or at the numerous time-lapse videos of the night sky, we’re still drawn to the ever-changing heavens above.

Astrophotographers Stephane Guisard and Jose Francisco Salgado travelled to the Paranal Observatory on a 2,635m-high mountain in Chile’s Atacama Desert and took all the images in this most wonderous time-lapse video. Not only does it show the stars, but also the four separate optical telescopes – the Very Large Telescope ( or VLT) – that monitor the movement of the celestial bodies. Have a look at the video below.

According to Wikipedia’s article on adaptive optics, the laser beam you see emanating from one of the telescopes is in a bid to correct the distortions or blurry effects created by atmospheric turbulence.

[via Popular Science]

Animal Kingdom Arty

A Terrific Trio of Time-Lapse Videos

Time-lapse videos are wonderfully hypnotic aren’t they? We quite like them here on Onelargeprawn and if you’re reading this, we’d assume you do to. If post titles are anything to go by, you’d be right in thinking that my attempt at alliteration was terribly bad. You’d also be correct in thinking that with a little bit of googling I’ve dug up a trio of relatively new time-lapse videos (new, as in I’ve not seen them) and laid them out for your viewing pleasure. We have an interesting take on the “photo-a-day” theme, a flowery transformation, and our perennial favourite, the Aurora Borealis. See them after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Canary Sky Time-Lapse is Dreamy

Astrophotographer Daniel López spent over a year collating the footage he took of Tenerife and the heavens above it. His time-lapse — or as he calls it, astro-timelapse — film contains majestic mountain scenes, floaty cloud movements, and even double rainbows. Have a look at López’ Canary Sky – Tenerife below.

Muy bueno, no?

[via My Modern Metropolis]

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Time-Lapse: The City Limits

We’re fans of time-lapse photography here at Onelargeprawn. Tom Lowe’s TimeScapes took us to the American Southwest with its impressive rock formations and cacti, and recently Norwegian photographer Terje Sorgjerd amazed us with epic scenes of the Milky Way and the aurora borealis.

Motion photographer Dominic Boudreault also shoots equally impressive, albeit man-made, structures. In his latest montage, Boudreault captures the skylines and surrounds in five cities in North America. Have a look at his film, The City Limits, below.

[via za5 on Twitter]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Photoworthy Video Clips

The Mountain and Stars, Caught in Time-Lapse

You may remember Norwegian photographer Terje Sorgjerd for The Aurora, a wonderful time-lapse video of Aurora Borealis. This time, the intrepid photographer happened to be visiting Mount Teide, the highest mountain in Spain and reportedly one of the best places in the world to capture the stars.

During the eight days that Sorgjerd spent there, he captured the beauty of the landscape around him and that of the stars above him. He even experienced a sandstorm during his filming. Have a look at his incredible time-lapse creation, The Mountain, below.

[via Oolex on Twitter]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy Video Clips

Spectacular Aurora Borealis, Caught in Time-Lapse

Norwegian photographer, Terje Sorgjerd, used every night of the week he spent in Kirkenes and Pas National Park to hunt down and capture images of the wonderful Aurora Borealis.

He endured biting temperatures of -25 °C, shooting from sunset to sunrise, and used around 22,000 photographs to create a time-lapse video of the captivating phenomenon. It is truly amazing, see The Aurora below.

[via Asylum]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Stupendous Southwest Timelapse

If you liked the beautiful time-lapse videos by Tom Lowe and Dan Eckert, chances are you’ll enjoy the works of Eric Billman. Using a custom rig he built, Billman also shoots his time-lapse videos of the rugged mountains and scenery in southern Utah. Have a look at his wonderful piece, Southwest Timelapse, below.

See Billman’s Southwest Timelapse photos on Flickr.

[via The Awesomer]

Arty Inspirational Designs Video Clips

Tall Painting is Awesome

Oh my, what a wonderful idea. This video directed by Dave Kaufman shows the painting style of a New York-based artist, Holton Rower. Instead of restricting his painting on flat canvases, Rower uses gravity to shape his colourful pieces.

Kaufman has also created a time-lapse video of this painting process. Have a look at that after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

TimeScapes: Rapture

I first heard about Tom Lowe in April thanks to a tweet from Pieterjan Grobler (we call him Krypty). I happened to find out today, again courtesy of Krypty, that the ace filmmaker and 2010 astronomy photographer of the year (his winning photo, Blazing Bristlecone) has just released some more footage debut film, “TimeScapes”.

Lowe uses Canon and Red MX cameras and mixture of slow-motion and time-lapse photography to create some of the most amazing scenes from the American Southwest. Have a look at this latest piece, TimeScapes: Rapture below.

More about Lowe’s project can be found at and you can follow him on Twitter.

[via Krypty]