Movie tie-in games are a dime a dozen, aren’t they? Very seldom are there good ones, and those that are usually aren’t tied to a specific movie release, but have had time to be polished and scrubbed (such as the brilliant Batman: Arkham series). This time around, and tied to the film release of Spider-Man 2, we have the video game. Does it fall into the same traps that so many tie-ins do, or will it be able to web-sling its way out of the mire of tie-in hell? Let’s find out.
Tag: The Amazing Spider-Man
Being an avid movie watcher, I use the term “movie” to includes both blockbusters and those busters that are somewhat less than blocky. I am constantly waiting on new reels of escapism. Unfortunately, with the film industry going gaga (not of the Lady variety) for 3D and apeshit for reboots and remakes, the offerings are few and far between.
Even though I’m a movie fan and not a film connoisseur, it’s very hard to look forward to anything that doesn’t fit into one of the aforementioned categories. So when prawn1 asked me to make a note of five—yes, Five!—movies that I have been looking forward to seeing this year, it was difficult to list to compile. Who does he think I am? Barry Ronge? However, I have done better than the five he originally asked, and I’ve found not seven, not nine, but a whole ten movies that I would (whether willingly or grudgingly) pay the ridiculous ticket fee to see. Find out what my fantastic choices are—in no particular order—after the jump.