Flash Games

Midweek Timewaster: Stackle

After popping some Degoran to combat a cold, I can barely feel my nose much less my brain so my decision making might be a little off-kilter. Today’s first post was a tough face-off between Demi Moore’s hairy bush and a Tetris-inspired timewaster, and I think I made the right decision that will benefit you, our dear readers.

Tetris meets Jenga in the physics puzzle game, Stackle. You need to grab blocks from the tower and stack them on the top to reach as high as you can but take care not to let the whole thing topple over. It’s a simple, addictive premise but can be deceptively difficult if you’re a fly-by-night builder.

Play Stackle at Newgrounds and let us know how many points you scored.

BONUS: Demi Moore’s bush can be seen here – be warned, what has been seen cannot be unseen. It is also NSFW unless you don’t mind people getting the wrong idea.

Hints & Tips Science & Technology

Stressed and traumatised?

Experiencing post traumatic stress? Get yourself in front of a computer and indulge in the universally played and consistently mind numbing game Tetris.


Researchers in the UK are suggesting that playing Tetris may help in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Dr Emily Holmes of Oxford University says that she “wanted to find a way to dampen down flashbacks – the raw sensory images of trauma that are over-represented in the memories of those with PTSD”. According to Dr Holmes, playing Tetris effectively prevents flashbacks and thus helps heal posttraumatic stress – other scientists are unconvinced. More on this from theĀ  BBC.