Just released is the latest trailer for “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”. Silly title aside it’s difficult to ascertain if this is a prequel to Tim Burton’s lacklustre “Planet of the Apes”, a reboot or a standalone feature. Either way, from the teaser, it looks like the usual sci-fi formula of scientists messing around, lose control of the project and the monkey poop hits the fan.
James Franco leads the cast as a scientist working on a cure for Alzheimer’s by testing on apes (great idea, he should have watched Deep Blue before attempting this). Then test subject chimp Caesar, played by Andy Serkis, begins to mutate rapidly and well we know what happens from here.

Weta Digital who brought us visual effects for “Avatar” and “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, takes the helm here and so we can expect the same brilliance. No Burton monkey suits, thank goodness. However I just don’t see anything that will make us think other than why that gorilla needed to pick the lock to his cage and not just kick it open.
The film is set to release August 5th, 2011.