Game Reviews

We Review: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is a full remake of the SNES game, Fire Emblem Gaiden (a Japanese word here meaning “side story”). The game was never localised for the Western market until now, and Intelligent Systems has done a complete overhaul of the game to bring us what was once considered the “black sheep of the Fire Emblem family”. Nintendo has been riding high on Fire Emblem games recently, and they are much beloved by fans, but can a remake of an older game be anything as good as the newer stuff coming out, like, say, Fire Emblem Fates (which we reviewed here)? Read on to find out!

Game Reviews

We Review: Valkyria Chronicles Remastered

Valkyria Chronicles was an absolutely beautiful tactical RPG that released on the PS3 back in 2008. It was lauded for the sketchbook-style artwork of the game, as well as its story and characters. Sega decided to, by way of preparing us for the next home console sequel later this year/early next year, release a PS4 version of the original called Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. For those of you who missed it and wondered whether it’s worth buying, read on.

Game Reviews

We Review: Rainbow Moon (PS Vita)

When Rainbow Moon appeared on the PS3 last year, we had a chance to review this tactical RPG. The game has made the jump to the PS Vita, so it’s time to see what changed between this version of the game, and its larger-screened twin.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Rainbow Moon

Ever since I played Final Fantasy Tactics, I’ve loved tactical RPGs. Sadly, the decent ones are few and far between, so I was really excited to get my hands on Rainbow Moon, a new tactical RPG from SideQuest Studios. I hacked, slashed, and…err…tacticked my way through the game to bring you this review.