Flash Games

Panic Stations! It’s The Great Flu Game!

In recent weeks we’ve come into contact with someone who knows someone who knows someone who has the swine flu. And now the pandemic has spread to the digital world. In an effort to raise more awareness, Dutch researchers and Ranj Serious Games have created The Great Flu, a video game where you play as a member for the fictitious World Pandemic Control Agency desperately trying to control the spread of a deadly virus.

“It is actually what is happening now, what is happening in the real world,” said Albert Osterhaus, head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, who designed “The Great Flu” game with colleagues.

Watch the intro video below.

Pick a strain (each colour has its own difficulty rating) and jump straight into the game. The display lets you see how many people are infected, keep tabs on your budget, navigate the world map (20 regions), and react to global events and messages. You have variety of tools available to fight an outbreak, but choosing the appropriate course isn’t necessarily the easiest. Your budget is limited too –  I spent my money with reckless abandon, and that had, um, fatal consequences.

Play the simulator at

[via Kotaku]

Cautionary Tales

The Pigs Strike Back, Swine Flu on The Loose

If pigs belonged to a shadowy brotherhood, they’d be laughing their trotters off right now. We live in very interesting times with marvels in science and technology happening every day. And now you can add to that list a never-before-seen mixture of viruses from swine, birds, and humans.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease, caused by influenza type A which typically infects pigs. It hasn’t normally infected humans, but the latest form can spread from person to person, and with that the potential to spark a global pandemic.

The new strain has killed up to 149 people in Mexico, infected 50 in the United States, six in Canada, two each in Spain and Scotland, with New Zealand and Israel confirming cases of swine flu today. As a result the World Health Organization has raised its alert level to phase 4, indicating the virus is becoming increasingly adept at spreading among humans. Phase 6 is the highest alert level where the virus spreads to another country in a different region and the global pandemic is under way.

Keep up-to-date with Reuters’ global coverage of the swine flu.