Arty Awesomeness Video Clips Weirdness

Woah Dude! Trippy Audiovisual Landscapes

Dutch filmmaker/musician Kamiel Rongen creates the most hallucinatory, meditative, and mesmerizing music videos in a fish bowl using paints and other liquids. Have a look at one of his “audiovisual landscapes” below, entitled Shortcutz. Be sure to watch it in full screen mode.

Experience more of Rongen’s trippy videos after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Lists

Photo Manipulation Art

Digital photo manipulation, commonly referred to as photoshopping, has become a popular pastime, and is considered by many to be a new art form.

Here are some awesome examples of digital photo manipulation by the masters of this technique. Click the images to see them bigger.

Karol Kolodzinski

Cristiano Siqueira

Jerico Santander

Eduardo Rodrigues

Alberto Seveso

See 48 mind-blowing examples of photo manipulation art at PSDTUTS.