Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Stupendous Southwest Timelapse

If you liked the beautiful time-lapse videos by Tom Lowe and Dan Eckert, chances are you’ll enjoy the works of Eric Billman. Using a custom rig he built, Billman also shoots his time-lapse videos of the rugged mountains and scenery in southern Utah. Have a look at his wonderful piece, Southwest Timelapse, below.

See Billman’s Southwest Timelapse photos on Flickr.

[via The Awesomer]

Arty Photoworthy

Photoworthy: Isla Mujeres, Mexico

This amazing photo was taken by flickr user Patrick Smith whilst on vacation in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. It wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing:

On the first day of my trip, the sun had set to the left of end of the pier, but I knew that over the next few days, the sun would move a little to the right each day. (In landscape photography it pays to know how the natural world works, just as a bird photographer must know the habits of the birds to get the best shots.) On the last day of my trip, the sun set right at the end of the pier. I was ready and had an image in my head of what I hoped I could capture. Fortunately the sun dropped below the clouds at the last minute and became visible right as the sun set. I had taken photographs on the previous evenings just in case this evening turned out to be cloudy just to be on the safe side.

So, I was lucky to be on vacation during this time, but the rest was planning!

– Found on Reddit.