Game Reviews

We Review: Lego The Hobbit

TT Games certainly has been busy lately. Not too long ago we reviewed The Lego Movie Videogame, and hot on its heels comes the Lego version of The Hobbit. You might want to refer back to our review of Lego Lord of the Rings, because this is going to be a “what’s different” kind of review. Ready? Good…let’s break some things.

Game Reviews

We Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

If memory serves, we quite liked Castlevania: Lords of Shadow in 2010. It seems like an eternity but the wait for the game’s sequel is finally at hand. To recap, during the course of the prior Lords of Shadow game, the protagonist, Gabriel Belmont, had been turned into Dracula, or Dracul, or Drac, or D. Depends on how well you know him (according to Eddie Izzard, anyhow). Despite his death at the end of Mirror of Fate at the hands of his son and grandson, he somehow got better, and the story now continues in Lords of Shadow 2. Is this game meaty and juicy enough for you to sink your teeth into, or is it a dirty neck that’s likely to leave a bad taste in your mouth? I sharpen my fangs and find out.

Game Reviews

We Review: The Lego Movie Videogame

Welcome back! It’s time once again for a Lego Videogame review, and this time we have The Lego Movie Videogame to look at. There’s more brick breaking action for those of you (like me) who simply cannot get enough of the stuff. Are we ready to build break something? Let’s dive in!

Game Reviews

We Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

As you know, we here at Prawn Central LOVE us some LEGO games, so it’s with a lot of excitement that we got our grubby mitts on LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, the latest LEGO game from Travellers Tales. If you’ve played a LEGO game before, I doubt there’ll be much in this review that’s new to you, but I think you should read it anyhow, if only for the entertainment value. Excelsior!

Cartoons & Comics Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us

Superheroes are some of the most revered characters in fiction, and every now and again, someone tries to make another superhero video game. Mostly, they tend to suck. So it’s with mixed feelings we received Injustice: Gods Among Us. Is it superpowered? Or is the transferal to a digital medium its proverbial Kryptonite? Let’s find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Dragon’s Dogma

In the wake of such epic fantasy RPGs as Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur comes a new IP, Dragon’s Dogma, which promises to be full of dragons, ghoulies, ghosties, and long-leggity beasties. And, of course, all this comes with a healthy dose of killing aforementioned things that go bump in the deep, dark night. And it has sidequests, too, because everyone loves a good sidequest. I sidequested through the this game to see how many dragons I could kill by the end of it.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Reality Fighters

Reality Fighters is one of the launch titles for the PS Vita meant to show off the AR capabilities of the little console. Plus it’s also, you know, a fighting game. The prime question is, however: is it fun? Let’s punch through this review to find out.

Game Reviews

We Review: Everybody’s Golf

One of the PS Vita’s launch titles is Everybody’s Golf (or Hot Shots Golf as it’s known in the US for some unaccountable reason). It’s the one game for the Vita that I’ve strangely spent the most time playing, and will probably be playing for a while to come. Find out why after the tee-off.

Featured Gaming News

We Review: rAge 2011

Your favourite gaming reviewer (that’s me, by the by) went to the 2011 rAge expo at the Coca Cola Dome in Johannesburg this weekend.

I got a good look at some of the most exciting up and coming games for the next few months, and even got hands on with a few of them, where I was able to kick, punch, hit, and beg my way to the front. Hit the jump to find out what went down at the event.

Game Reviews

We Review: Ape Escape

Since the debut of the PlayStation Move controller, there have been precious few games that take proper advantage of it. Sony’s own Japan Studio has recently released Ape Escape into the wild, a game that uses only the Move controller. Is it a game that will make you go…ape? Is is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys? Or is it just…monkeying around? Find out, after the chimp.