Game Reviews Sports

We Review: Mario Sports Superstars

The Mario sports games are some of those perennial things that you can count on reappearing every year or so. You may not get every single one of them every year, but you’re guaranteed to see at least one in any given year. It’s with some surprise, then, that we see the release of Mario Sports Superstars, a compilation of five sports games all rolled into one. Go grab the soccer ball, tennis ball, baseball, golf ball, and horse..err…ball, and meet me down at the pitch green court course diamond for the review.

Awesomeness Game Reviews

We Review: FIFA 17

Another year another FIFA game, with a year number appended to it, and this time FIFA 17 has a new new things to share with us. Yes, they’re all soccer related. I’ll go get my boots and my ball and I’ll meet you on the pitch for this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

The Mario Tennis series has been around for a while, and has been on nearly every major Nintendo console since its beginning in 1995. In point of fact, we reviewed the last Mario Tennis game for the 3DS over here. Tennis in the Mushroom Kingdom isn’t simply tennis, naturally, so I grabbed my tennis racket and headed for the courts to see what the new Mario Tennis is serving up. Aside from tennis balls, of course.