Arty Cartoons & Comics

Bruce Lee as Spider-Man?

With the number of superhero movies that we have watched and the ones that are on the way, we all have had our opinions on the casting. What if they cast Leo DiCaprio as Peter Parker or what if they killed the person before they cast Halle Berry as Catwoman?

Anyways while cruising the interweb, looking for “what ifs” on casting, I stumbled on Alex Tuis’ blog. He had some ideas of his own and illustrated his fantasy casting with his digital paintbrush.

Take a look and let us know who you feel should have played your favourite superhero.

Awesomeness Video Clips

Italian Spiderman

This sweatshirt-wearing, moustache-flaunting, macchiato-sipping superhero punches friend and foe alike.

Click Play or go to YouTube.

– via Breakpoint City.