Space Invaders was released in video arcades to an unsuspecting world in 1978, and remains to this day one of the most iconic symbols of video gaming. It was followed shortly thereafter by Galaxian and Galaga, and these games set the mould for the “aliens attacking in formation” style of shoot-em-up (or shmup for short). Titan Attacks is a game in that vein, but with a slightly more modern spin on it. I take on the alien hordes in my tank, and risk certain death by incoming alien.
Tag: space invaders
I wanted to start off by saying that my Photoshop skills are as great as my penis is long but then realised how I just insulted myself so I gave up on that intro and went with something a little less self-deprecating.
I know as much about art as a garden snail knows about astrophysics, but I made something that I think looks a little arty. It was an entry that I created for a competition on the local Playstation 3 forum; I converted into a wallpaper and wanted to share it with you – it’s called Invade or Die.
Keeping true to our theme that choice is the most important priority right after love, sex, intelligence, pets, internet, and a whole bunch of other stuff, I have prepared a few different resolutions of the wallpaper in case you might actually like it and want to download a bigger version.
Right click the link of the resolution you’re interested in and select the option to save the image/link.
1280×800 | 1280×960 | 1440×900 | 1600×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1920×1200
480×272 (PSP) | 1280×720 (720p) | 1920×1080 (1080p)
Do let me know what you think about it.
Invader is a street artist who has visited cities around the world pasting up Atar-inspired Space Invader mosaics on monuments, streets, and stores. During such an “Invasion”, he creates a map to where each mosaic can be found and often provides photo evidence of the mosaic.
His project started in 1998 in the city of Paris (the most invaded city – see here) and since then it has spread to 35 other cities in the world, LA, London, Tokyo, Melbourne, and Mombasa to name a few.
See more images at
Physics Invader
Space Invaders + Physics = Physics Invaders. I love simple math my addled brain can understand. Created by NekoGames, Physics Invaders is a remake of the old arcade classic, now with added gravity. As your laser cannon makes contact with the invaders, their lifeless, pixelated bodies fall out of the sky and start piling up on your base platform. Sweeping their carcasses off the platform earns you extra points.
Play it below or head to NekoGames.
– via I am Bored.
Urban Hack Attack
Two German-sounding dudes hacked into the central light system of a building and played space invaders on it! This could be a fake, even so zat is some crazy-cool shit ya?
Click Play or go to YouTube.