Movies Video Clips

District 9: Extended Featurette

In case you missed our last post on District 9, here’s an extended featurette where the producer, director, and actors discuss the upcoming sci-fi flick.

District 9 will be invading South African shores on Friday, August 28th according to SterKinekor.

Competitions Site Announcements

Friendly Reminder: Win Tees from Mingo Lamberti!

Just a quick reminder that our latest giveaway will be ending on midnight July 19th and if you’d like to win one of the three super-cool Mingo Lamberti tees we’re giving away, then head to our competition post and get your entry in before the deadline. Good luck! :clover:

We’ll announce the winners on Monday.

Entertainment Mindlessness Risqué

This is South Africa’s Sexiest Woman

For my first post today, I had considered putting up a video of two men coming face-to-face with a shark in the shark cage, but none of them died so I decided to go with SA’s sexiest woman instead. Capetonian Lyndall Jarvis received over a million sweaty-palmed votes and has been crowned this year’s FHM Sexiest Woman in South Africa.

Some of the more attentive gamers out there may recognize the 25-year old Jarvis from the PS3 exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 where the character Laughing Octopus was modelled on her lady bits.

Here are some images I found on the Google so their authenticity is dubious at best.

Leigh-Ann Mol took his photo of Jarvis during her chat with Gareth Cliff in the 5 FM studios.

Word has it that her shoe size is an 8 and has a boyfriend who is a Sharks supporter so its bad news for the lads wanting to get a piece of the Jarvis pie.

BONUS: Here’s the video of “Two Men and a Shark”.

Politics Smolitics

Jacob Zuma Voted Sexiest Politician

This firmly goes in the “things you wish weren’t true but are” section. After almost winning the presidential horse, ANC president Jacob Zuma finally got to add a gold trophy to his mantelpiece when he was voted South Africa’s sexiest politician in a snap survey. Apparently Zuma’s theme tune “Awuleth’ uMshini wam'” figuratively adds several inches to his already impressive unmentionables.

I know what you’re thinking, we here also suspect that there was a typo in the survey and he came out tops for South Africa’s most sexist politician.

Cope leader Mosiuoa Lekota placed second in the sexiest politician poll, with former president Thabo Mbeki in third place. ANC youth leader Julius Malema was a winner too, rightfully claiming top spot for being the least sexy South African in politics.

Read the full article at the Cape Argus.

Featured Politics Smolitics

ANC vs ID catfight

It’s a jungle out there peeps! Yesterday Prawn posted a hilarious sound bite thingy that compared the South African Presidential race to a horse race. Well this morning I saw something almost as funny on Apparently an ANC official from Warmsand, which lies somewhere between the middle of nowhere and the back of beyond, savaged the ear of an ID supporter. Both the ANC official and the ID supporter are women. The election violence has started and it’s with a political catfight! Oh yes Oh yay South African politics are just brilliant this year – they’re a laugh a minute.

You can read the whole story here.

Politics Smolitics

Is ignorance our master?

Dalai Lama

I don’t know about you dear Readers, but I’m not feeling particularly proud of the beloved country this week. I mean we have friends and relatives fleeing the country left right and centre for the “greener” pastures of Europe and the Antipodes, but we decided that we actually like it here, and we’re going to stay. For the past few mornings however, I’ve felt like leaving the house with a paper bag on my nationality.

I know that the Dalai Lama says to be kind whenever possible, but I just cannot be kind in my mind when I think about the fact that nasty neighbour (and mass murdered) Bob Mugabe is permitted to come and go in South Africa as he pleases, while one of the world’s most respected spiritual leaders (a darling peaceful little old man with spectacles, yellow robes, and a Nobel Peace Prize) the Dalai Lama is denied a visa. And it’s all for the love of China (well trade with China really). Yes, China. The same China that is responsible for huge job losses in South Africa, particularly in the textile industry. The same China that annexed Tibet, exiled the Dalai Lama, and built casinos and supermarkets on ancient sacred ground. The same China that continues to violate human rights, and environmental laws on a daily basis. It’s just great. And did you know that there are only two countries in the whole world into which the Dalai Lama is denied entry? Yup you guessed it – China and South Africa.

I won’t lie to you, I’m starting to feel a little afraid about this whole China and South Africa against the rest of the world thing. There’s an old Croatian saying that goes something like “if you lie down with a dragon, you’ll wake up with third degree burns all over your body and face, and your nylon underwear will be welded to your bum forever”. I just hope our respected leaders know what they’re up to. Anyway this rant of mine has gotten a little long, and depressing, so if you want a lighter version of the story, check out this gem on the brilliant

And to read more about the man whose religion is kindness, click here.

Awesomeness Politics Smolitics

Shoo Bru

RSA iflagi

As you may have noticed Dear Reader, I am a great fan of satire, sarcasm, irony and all things dark and dangerous. Anyway the fabulous Zahidah (maker of superb pies and samoosas) pointed me in the direction of a very lekker local site that is jam packed with lovely juicy satire and sarcasm. Here’s a tasty tit bit:

After 15 years ANC thinkers make incompetence breakthrough
PRETORIA. After fifteen years in power the ANC has for the first time threatened to sack non-performing ministers, saying that the groundbreaking concept to stop rewarding incompetence went against everything the new South Africa stood for but was necessary if the ruling party was going to carry out effective purges inside its organization.

Speaking to journalists this morning ANC spokesman Yesman Mxenge said that the new concept, called “accountability”, had sowed panic and confusion among ANC backbenchers.

“The problem is that it’s a very high-end concept,” said Mxenge. “I’m not sure I understand it myself.

“In a nutshell, it’s basically that if you don’t do the job you’re being paid half a million a year to do, you don’t get fired.

“Wait, no, you do get fired. That’s the part that keeps tripping us up.”

For more full flavour fun and delicious belly laughs visit Hayibo. Oh and their polls are awesome too!