Arty Entertainment Gaming News Music

“At Doom’s Gate” Played on Eight Floppy Drives

In the right hands, a bunch of floppy drives can make some very beautiful music (see Phantom of the Floppera). YouTube user MrSolidSnake745 makes uses of eight floppy drives to recreate the music from the first map of the first episode of the venerable FPS title, Doom.

Check out the floppy drive version of “At Doom’s Gate” below.

Doesn’t that bring back memories? Hit the jump to hear the original piece of music.

Awesomeness Music TV

Game of Thrones: An 8-Bit Theme Remix

As opening credits go, the one to Game of Thrones is quite the spectacle. The music is equally stirring and a number of people have remixed the opening theme to good effect. Roger Lima strummed a rocky cover of it, and YouTube user Brennesselano played the tune on his piano. And now comes another variation of the opening theme, this time in the style of the old 8-bit chiptunes. Check it out below.

If you’d like to download the MP3, the creator, Digitapp, has made it available on his website.

[via Geekosystem]