Ok here’s the thing, I love beat-em up games. Ever since high school, dropping over a hundred rand at the arcades, then fighting at home on the ever-changing video game systems. It was then that I could not wait to see them on the big screen and see my favourite characters duke it out. However what we didn’t realise is that Hollywood really had no clue in how to transfer these games to the big screen.
Street Fighter was a utter failure both financially and critically (just look at Ryu & Ken). Then came Mortal Kombat, and if I’m to be honest it was on the mark, but that Goro fight with Cage was horrible. And they kept on murdering more.
But out of all the major beat-em ups, only one seemed to have been left untouched. And now, unfortunately, they have gotten their grubby hands on it. SNK’s “King Of Fighters” has made it to the big screen. Oh the humanity.
“The King of Fighters movie will introduce a new science fiction spin into the setting established in the games’ universe by following the surviving members of three legendary fighting clans who are continually whisked away to other dimensions by an evil power,” says insider blog Movieset.
“As the fighters enter each new world they battle that universe’s native defenders, while the force that brought them seeks to find a way to invade and infect our world.”
Just from this sneak preview alone, they have not found a cast that truly encompasses or even looks like the characters. They have messed with the storyline as usual (because audiences of course won’t identify with videogame storylines) and they have the obligatory all American white kid playing the Japanese title role. I sound upset, bitter even and I am. But take a look and tell me I’m wrong.