Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Beautiful Timescapes by Tom Lowe

Filmmaker Tom Lowe recently began work on his first film, Southwest Light, where he travels the Southwestern United States, and captures the locations he encounters in a mixture of slow-motion and timelapse photography.

Timescapes: “Death is the Road to Awe” is a some of the production footage that will be used in his debut film. It’s a beautiful piece, you have to see it.

Hit the jump to see more Timescapes videos.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

Nuit Blanche

Directed by directed by Spy Films‘ Arev Manoukian, “Nuit Blanche” is a short film set in 1950s Paris and tells the story of a man who catches the gaze of a woman sitting in a cafe across the street. It shows how a fleeting glance between two strangers could result in an explosion of feelings (and a few other things). It’s really quite dramatic, check it out below.

If you’re interested, see the making of Nuit Blanche on YouTube.

[via Boing Boing]

Awesomeness Music Video Clips

Slow Motion Silliness

If your work week has felt a never-ending visit to the proctologist, then this video may just get your day to happy start. It features goofy Japanese people running wildly towards the camera, in slow motion. Man-boob guy, you are awesome!

The song is “Luv (sic) pt. 2” by Japanese hip-hop producer and DJ, Nujabes.

[via Dooby Brain]

Mindlessness Video Clips

Slow Motion Sneezing

This is a weird but effective public service announcement from the Australian government encouraging people to get their flu shots. Considering the gross discharge that results from a sneeze, I might just consider the flu jab after all.

[via Neatorama]