Cartoons & Comics Weirdness

Demented Disney Characters

While we you may have seen them in all sorts of tight underwear or given the macabre makeover, you’d never think of your beloved Disney characters as pimps, hookers, and flashers. CG Hub user Darko Kreculj (TestosteronMan) does just that, re-imagining the ever so cute creatures in their sinister forms.

See TestosteronMan’s dark Disney fan art after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales

RED: A Bloody Reimagining of “Little Red Riding Hood”

Created by filmmakers Jorge Jaramillo and Carlo Guillot, RED is a modern and brutal re-telling of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. In this sinister short film, Little Red Riding Hood is on the run from the big bad wolf. The wolf bears down on the little girl and with no lumberjack to come to her assistant, Little Red Riding Hood must take matters into her own hands.

RED is dark, moody, bloody, and with arresting soundtrack to match. See it below.

[via Ufunk]