Arty Awesomeness Movies Video Clips

Sucker Punch: The Trenches

Zack Synder’s steampunk sci-fi flick, Sucker Punch, will see an imminent release in many major countries except South Africa (we see an April 8th release). And this harrowing short may help pass the time as we count the 23 days it will take to arrive at our local cinemas.

Created by Ben Hibon, the story tells the tale of a WWII soldier from his death to his re-animation as one of the Helghan-esque zombies that the Sucker Punch team will have to mangle and mutilate on their road to freedom. The short explores the sense of loss during the soldier’s untimely transformation. Check out The Trenches below.

[via The Escapist]

Arty Cautionary Tales Video Clips

In The Air

I don’t get to fly very often but whenever I do, I wish I were able to videotape the journey. There is always something magical being in a huge metal bird and surveying the landscape from a lofty height. Magical probably wouldn’t be the word that came to Ryan Booth’s mind when he shot a video of his airplane trip.

When Booth flew from Chicago to Texas, the plane he was in was struck by lightning during its ascent and had return to the same airport from which it departed. After a three-hour wait, he then had to get on a different plane to take off in the same storm, and to quell his fears during the flight he took photos and shot a short video of the view from his plane. It’s called In the Air and is surprisingly calm considering his frazzled state. Check it out below.

Read the full story on Booth’s blog.

[via The Huffington Post]

Animal Kingdom Arty Video Clips Weirdness

The Story of Life, Told With Fingers

In this rather interesting short film, freelance animator Cyriak (real name) takes us through the evolution of life here on Earth using the medium of walking fingers. Yes, you read right. Now watch in amazement below.

No fingering jokes, please.

[via Buzzfeed]

Arty Inspirational Designs Video Clips

Thought of You

Ryan Woodward, the director and animator of this piece, has magically captured the essence of style versus emotion. He portrays his characters in a surreal sense which draws the viewer deeper into the film.

Thought of You was born out of Ryan’s desires to connect several of his passions into one art piece. Figurative works, 2D animation, EFX animation, and contemporary dance. The theme revolves around an intimate relationship and it portrays this exceptionally.

“Rather than creating a narrative animated piece that communicates a well defined story, this piece allows for each individual who views it to to experience something unique and personal that touches their own sensibilities.”

You can also check out the “making of” from Ryan’s site listed below.


Arty Science & Technology Video Clips

Black Rain

Black Rain is a short film by Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt from the art duo, Semiconductor. They sourced the images from the satellites used in NASA’s STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) mission that traced the flow of energy and matter from the Sun to Earth.

Working with STEREO scientists, Semiconductor collected all the HI image data to date, revealing the journey of the satellites from their initial orientation, to their current tracing of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Solar wind, CMEs (coronal mass ejections), passing planets and comets orbiting the sun can be seen as background stars and the milky way pass by.

Have a look at Black Rain below.

[via CreativeApplications]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

“The Hollow Men” Teaser Trailer + Interview

Ashley Denton is a man with a plan. The writer/director originally from Johannesburg has wrapped up his latest short film and dropped us a mail to tell us about it. His after-hours project is entitled The Hollow Men and follows the tale of two brothers who are in the last stages of completing a device that can manipulate time. See the teaser below.

The trailer certainly got us interested and we wanted to more about Mr Denton’s take on the popular theme of time-travel. We sent letters, bust some heads, interrogated a badger or two, and eventually got an audience with the man himself. Hit the jump to read his thoughts on the project, the trial and tribulations of being a filmmaker, and the things in store for the future.

Movies Video Clips

BIG CATCH: A Fishy Tale by Moles Merlo

In this cute little short film by Parisian director Moles Merlo, a fisherman trundles up to the end of a pier and tries to catch some fish. Unbeknown to him, a predator is looking to make a meal of him. Hilarity ensues. There’s even a nod to James Cameron’s Titanic at the end. Check out BIG CATCH below.

[via speckyboy]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

The Tale of How

If you have a couple of free minutes today, let it be spent watching The Tale of How. Created by The Blackheart Gang back in ’06, the dark tale is about a flock of dodos living in a tree – and not this any ordinary tree mind you, this one is in the back of OTTO, the tentacled tyrant of the Indian Ocean. OTTO passes his time on the high seas by feasting on the dodos. The flightless birds send messages for help, but no one ever comes, and all seemed lost, until a visitor from the west lends a helping hand.

Wasn’t that superb? It took The Blackheart Gang nine long months of part-time work to create the tale (the making of is here) which happens to be the second part of the Dodo Trilogy. The other two works, The Tale of Then and The Tale of When are still to be made.

You might recognize one of the three members of The Blackheart Gang as Markus Wormstorm from the afro-electro duo, Sweat.X. See more about the creative bunch on their official website.

[via we-are-awesome]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

This is Beautiful: My Father’s Garden

We had a garden once. And then came the two terrors, Big Min and Lil’ Pun, who decided to re-decorate it for us by digging up the soil and gleefully eating the succulents. I would have severely disciplined them if not for the fact that they’re so very cute. Yes I know, I have a soft touch. But you didn’t visit to hear about my appendages.

Mirko Faienza, a cameraman from Italy, decided to document his father’s front garden and the insects that call it home. It’s an amazing little world made that much better by Mirko’s spectacular videography. The music is great too, it’s a truly beautiful piece. See My Father’s Garden below or watch it in HD on Vimeo.

He created the short film with his Panasonic 500 camcorder and an HD lens. See more of Mirko’s work on his website.

[via Laughing Squid]

Arty Cautionary Tales Movies

“Alma” is Charming, a Little Creepy

Alma is a short film by first time director Rodrigo Blaas and his team of creative designers. A winner of several animation awards last year, Alma is a story about a little boy who gets lured into a very odd toy store. It’s charming and a little unnerving, or maybe I’m just a big girl’s blouse. Check it out below.

Find out more about the short film at

[via zefrank]