Science & Technology Video Clips

Conception to Birth, Visualized

Alexander Tsiaras is a whiz at scientific visualization. In his early days, he created lenses for microscopes, most notably for the one that captures the very first images of human eggs in an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) program.

In his presentation from a TED conference in 2010, the scientist talks about how the instruction sets used in creating a human being are so complex that they are beyond our comprehension. It’s mathemagical. He also shows a visualization of the development of the human fetus. See Conception to Birth, Visualized below. Be warned, there are some graphic images of the “expulsion” process.

[via Geeks are Sexy]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies

ROSA: A Beautiful Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Short

Created by Spanish comic book artist Jesús Orellana, ROSA is a beautifully animated sci-fi short film that is set against a post-apocalyptic backdrop. A female cyborg named Rosa has been awakened from statis and she starts exploring the bleak and empty world. She is not alone, however, as she is almost immediately set upon by a pair of assassins. Watch her fight for survival in ROSA below.

Wasn’t that amazing? It’s also extraordinary to note that Orellana taught himself how to use the required computers programs and made ROSA all by himself, with next to no budget. The whole process took a year to complete. It has been shown at various film festivals and there is talk that ROSA could be made into a live-action feature film. See more about the short film on its website.

[via Wired]

Cautionary Tales Movies

Bob the Hamster is in Love

This endearing animated short film by Jacob Frey tells the story of Bob, a hamster who finds love but must chase it around the world. He pursues his goal with ardour of a stalker, will he catch up to it? Find out below, and be sure to watch until after the credits ;)

BOB was created in 2009 and took six months to make. In the next couple of months, it travels to many film festivals. For more info, visit

[via Paranoias]

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Featured Gaming News Movies

The Birds Of Anger: A Video Game Horror Film

As part of the their Epictober Film Festival, G4tv has created a set of three video game-related horror films. The Birds of Anger, directed by Gregg Bishop, takes the immensely popular mobile game Angry Birds and transforms it into a rather disturbing tale. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 horror masterpiece The Birds, Bishop’s 8-mintue short film tells the story of the the Bacon family who are paid a visit by their neigbour, Anne. The unwelcome guest has brought them a basket of eggs and has unwittingly ruffled some feathers. See The Birds of Anger below.

The other two Epictober films include twisted takes on Mario Kart and Duck Hunt. See those horror flicks after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Video Clips

Stop-Motion Ninja Duel is Bloody Badass

Ninjas are sneaky, except when they’re not. In this fantastic stop-motion short from animator Olivier Trudeau, two action-figure ninjas are locked in a duel to the death. Who will emerge as the victor? Find out below.

[via Live for Films]

Cautionary Tales Science & Technology Video Clips

How a Virus Attacks Your Body

This educational short narrated by NPR’s science correspondent Robert Krulwich and medical animator David Bolinsky, shows us how the flu virus gets access to our system (it has a key, LOL) and tricks our own cells into becoming the assembly-line factories that churn out more and more copies of the virus itself.

Bolinsky who created the video says that it is essentially in slow motion, the infection process takes a fraction of a second to occur. Also, they added colour to the different protein and DNA material in the video because at their tiny size they are, for all intents and purposes, colourless.

[via Holy Kaw!]

Arty Awesomeness Gaming News

Portal: No Escape

Since it debuted three days ago, this fan-made short film has been viewed over three million times! Directed by Dan Trachtenberg with special effects by John Chesson, Portal No: Escape was shown earlier at Comic-Con to much praise.

Based on the Portal universe, the seven-minute short blends live action and computer graphics superbly to tell the tale of a woman (played by Danielle Rayne) who must escape her cell with the aid of a handy Portal gun. It starts off a tad slow but it certainly picks up.

[via Super Punch]

Cautionary Tales Massive Cuteness

Ormie the Pig Wants a Cookie

I love bacon. Bacon comes from pigs, ergo I love pigs.

In this endearing animated short film, Ormie is a pig who has a hankering for cookies that are out of reach on top of a refrigerator. At first, the swine tries to knock the jar off with a broom, failing that, it tries to use a stool as a launch pad. It then constructs a rudimentary seesaw, and fails yet again. Each disappointment sees a more elaborate, slapstick attempt to get at the delectable treats. Will Ormie succeed in the end? Find out below.

[via +Joachim De Sutter]

Arty Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Video Clips

Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Four students at the Utrecht School of Arts in the Netherlands spent a period of five months reportedly eating a bajillion peanut butter sandwiches. They also made an animated short film in that time. Filmed in the cartoon-like art style of Team Fortress 2, the story revolves around string bean who is on the run from a very bad man. The heart-pounding chase is made trippy through the injection of drugs. Check out Mac ‘n’ Cheese below.

[via The Given Collective]

Arty Eating and Drinking Video Clips

Around the World in One Minute

These three guys boarded 18 flights and journeyed 38 thousand miles in their 44-day trip through 11 countries. I am infinitely jealous.

Independent filmmaker Rick Mereki, his director of photography Tim White, and actor Andrew Lees captured almost a terabyte of footage during their trip. They created three short films, one of which is called Move. It’ll take you around the world in one quick minute.

See the other two films, Eat and Learn after the jump.