Arty TV Video Clips

Don’t Blink in This Terrifying Doctor Who Short Film

In this short film by Whovian John Smith, the viewer is placed in a spooky rain-soaked maze with nothing more than a dinky flash light. Around a few corners, and we are suddenly faced with one of those psychopathic hunters, the Weeping Angels. What happens next — do we heed any of the Doctor’s advice or does this cat-and-mouse game end badly for us? Find out in STONE.

[via io9]

Entertainment Movies Video Clips

One Last Dive

The rather specific time of 3:07 am is considered by some to be the most haunted time of the day, the devil’s hour. A dive session is about to wrap but there’s just enough time to go down for one last look-see. The diver uses his flash light to make his way through the murky water and makes a chilling discovery. Can you guess what happens next? Check out One Last Dive below.

Well that got the heart beating! This creepy one-minute-long horror film was created by film maker Jason Eisener for VICE Magazine’s 3:07 AM Project. See the other three horror films inspired by the haunting hour after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: The Last of Us

Naughty Dog hardly needs no introduction to the PS3 gamer. The much-loved creators of the Uncharted franchise has been thrilling audiences with the derring-do antics of Nathan Drake since 2007. To date, the Uncharted franchise has sold over 13 million copies and Naughty Dog has garnered a number of accolades, including over 200 “Game of the Year” awards for 2009’s Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Four years later, and Naughty Dog is back in the spotlight, but this time Nathan Drake isn’t laying waste to the population of a small country. The Last of Us is a new IP that takes us in a different direction, to a much darker time and place. With Naughty Dog’s track record, there is little risk of getting a clunker, so the pertinent question should be, “Just how *good* is The Last of Us?” Find out after the jump.

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Time! Win Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS!


I know how everyone loves free stuff, and this time around, courtesy of the wonderful people at Nintendo (thank you PrincessPeachZA!), we have a copy of Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS to give away. “How do I enter?” I hear you clamouring. Good thing you asked, because I was about to tell you! All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments section below:

What is your favourite horror video game?

Yep! It’s that easy! Since it’s coming up Valentine’s Day however, we’re going to be extra nice, and give you a chance at a second entry! You’re going to have to do a liiiiittle bit of extra work for the second entry, however.

All we need from you is for you to tell us the scariest thing that happened to you. Or failing that, you scariest story. Good luck! We’re all counting on you!

The competition ends in a week, on February the 8th. Terms and conditions apply.

Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Read This: “Bongcheon-Dong” Web Comic

Written and illustrated by someone called HORANG, Bongcheon-Dong is a Korean web comic that tells the tale of a girl who is walking home from school late one night and encounters a crippled woman. I won’t spoil it for you, view the comic here (the story unfolds as you scroll down), and let us know your reaction in the comments.

[via @VoicyZA]