Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Painting a Russian Pipe Plant in Time-Lapse

When I think of time-lapse, I am immediately drawn to the creations of Randy Halverson, Terje Sorgjerd, and Tom Lowe. Their works are shot in nature and I’d imagine with some very expensive, custom-made equipment.

In his video, Russian filmmaker Sasha Aleksandrov creates an impressive time-lapse without the use of fancy dolly rigs. He does it the old-fashioned way — point, shoot, move tripod, rinse, repeat. His shooting location was an interesting one, it was an old Russian industrial plant that was getting a new coat of paint. Aleksandrov spent two months at the site to create Pipe Plant. See it below.

[via This is Colossal]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

World’s Smallest Aquarium is Super Cute

Anatoly Konenko is a Russian artist who specializes in miniatures, so much so that he even has Guinness World Record to his name. In 1996, Konenko created a 30-page, 0.9 mm by 0.9 mm book complete with text (and illustrations!), and won the award for the world’s smallest printed book.

Carrying on the theme of microminiature as he has done for 30 years, Konenko has recently created the tiniest of aquariums. Measuring just 30mm wide, 24mm high, and 14 mm deep, the glass tank holds 10 ml of water, plants, stones, and teeny-weeny fish! He uses a itty-bitty net to place the little Zebrafish into their home, and he has even crafted a water purification filter to keep the habitat clean and healthy. You must see images of this adorable little aquarium after the jump.

Sports Video Clips

Moscow Drift

You’ve seen the reckless Moscow run where a Yahama R1 rider diced in and out of traffic. We return to the city, this time for a less speedier but equally dangerous hobby, that of drifting.

This short film created by DragTimesInfo will have you know that when accountants are not busy fiddling excel spreadsheets at work, they’re out on the town fiddling with gear knobs and generally being awesome. Check out Moscow Drift below.

[via The Awesomer]

Arty Cautionary Tales Featured

Marked Men: Russian Prison Tattoos

Danzig Baldayev worked in a Leningrad prison for 33 years and managed to get an insight into the criminal world that even the KGB took interest in his work. During his time an an ethnographer, he illustrated enough criminal tattoos to fill three books. The volumes entitled Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia contained accompanying photographs from Sergei Vasiliev.

In prisons the world over, tattoos are a form of “language”, often telling other inmates the violent history of the wearer, and it was no different in Russian prisons. The tattoos that Baldayev and Vasiliev encountered were cloaked in hidden meanings and very smybolic to the wearer, a curriculum vitae if you will. These tattoos had to be earned the hard way, and a criminal without a tattoo had no status in prison, while anyone bearing a tattoo that they didn’t work for had it forcibly removed. Here’s a list of some Russian prison tattoos and what they meant:

  • Cat – A pickpocket. A cat with a bowtie meant that the prisoner had broken the thieves’ code.
  • Eyes – If these were on the upper part of the body, it meant the wearer was watchful. If they were on the buttocks, it meant something completely different.
  • Stars – If these were on the knees, it meant the prison bowed to no authority.
  • Bat – This was someone who committed criminal acts in the night.
  • Joker – Someone who loved to gamble.
  • Churches – The number of dome towers depicted either number of terms the prisoner had served or number of years of the sentence.

Have a look at some of Vasiliev’s Russian prison tattoo photographs after the jump.


Pin-ups and Propaganda

Russian illustrator Valery Barykin combines sexy pin-ups and that of Soviet Union propaganda to create a set of posters that you’d be hard-pressed to ignore.

Barykin uses perky pin-up models to drive home social issues such as how timely vaccination is key to stave off disease, how books make better girlfriends, and how gun-toting farmers shouldn’t scare young ladies disrobing in their wheat fields.

See some of his designs after the jump.


Awesome Paper Artwork by People Too

Creative studio, People Too, from Novosibirsk, Russia certainly knows their way around a pair of scissors. The artistic duo, Alexei Lyapunov and Lena Ehrlich, create fanstastic and amazingly detailed papercraft sculptures from music-related pieces to plants and mafiosi. Hit the jump to see some of their papercraft designs.

Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs Weirdness

Furniture Made from Russian Deep-Sea Mines

It is said that when life gives you lemons, you should punch it in the face make lemonade (but not without a license in America as this 7-year old found out). There’s a slightly different saying in Russia, about when life gives you old weapons of war, you should make housewares.

And this exactly what 51-year-old Estonian sculptor Mati Karmin does. In the coastal zone of northern Estonia, there are reportedly loads of rusty mine shells laying around. Made in the 1950s these deep-sea mines weighed over a tonne and housed 240 kg worth of explosives and we used to destroy submarines.  Karmin re-purposes these disused hunks of metal to make very functional bits of Steampunk furniture including desks, armchairs, fireplaces, swings, aquariums, chandeliers, and even a pram.

Have a look at some of his unconventional furniture after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

POV: Yamaha R1 Moscow Run

As much as it irritates motorists here, stripe-riding is not illegal in South Africa. I believe the same goes in Russia as seen in this POV clip of a Yahama R1 rider on a reckless trip on a streets of Moscow. Naturally we don’t condone this nutter’s dangerous behaviour but it looks bloody exhilarating.

[via The Daily What]

Arty Featured Photoworthy

Dew Drops Close-up by Andrew Osokin

You may have seen the wonderful photos we posted from two Polish photographers, Mirosław Świętek and Magda K. We now bring you some excellent shots from a country two doors down from Poland. In fact it seems to be the only thing we can find out about macro photographer Andrew Osokin – that he hails from Russia. So we can’t tell you when he took up the art, or is he likes long walks in the forest, or whether he prefers chocolate to sex. In the absence of any such information, simply marvel at some of his close-up shots of dew drops.

Game Reviews

We Review: Singularity

2009 proved a mediocre year for Raven Software who produced X-men Origins: Wolverine and Wolfenstein. They’re back, but this time with a wholly original IP and an altogether different enemy. It’s not the dastardly Germans out to ruin the world, rather the other equally hated nation of Russia. In the 1950s, the mysterious island of Katorga-12 experienced a devastating event known as the “Singularity” and now in 2010, the ever-meddling U.S. government has noticed strange radiation signatures emanating from the island. Players assume the role of Captain Nathaniel Renko, a crack black-ops soldier sent in to investigate the situation. You find out the place was a research station where Cold War scientists were experimenting with E99, a powerful but terrifyingly unstable element only found on the island. It even has the ability to alter time itself, and that plays a major part of the story where strange events result in Captain Renko being sent back and forth in time, his actions in the past have massive consequences in the present. Renko needs to battle soldiers and all manner of mutated life forms to fix what is broken. It’s hardly an original concept and this is further experienced when you explore Katorga-12. Even though it’s themed fit the USSR theme complete with the Cyrillic Иs and Яs and dodgy accents, the moody environments and certain game mechanics share an uncanny familiarity with Bioshock, which is not necessarily a bad thing…