Game Reviews

We Review: Dark Souls II

Four years ago, we reviewed the sleeper hit Demon’s Souls. It popularized a bare-bones RPG where everything was trying to kill you, and where being killed was the best start to a game ever. It was followed up by a more popular Dark Souls, which made its debut on non-PS3 consoles, and now we have the direct follow up, titled Dark Souls……II. Ready to die again? And again? And again? Good! Let’s get going.

Game Reviews

We Review: Fable Anniversary

And so, dear readers, we return to Albion. Or is that re-return? How do we phrase starting from the beginning all over again with a new coat of paint? Hmm…perhaps “Once Upon a Time” will do? Either way, let’s find out if the HD release of Fable is a shining prince, a damsel in distress, or the big bad wolf.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Rainbow Moon

Ever since I played Final Fantasy Tactics, I’ve loved tactical RPGs. Sadly, the decent ones are few and far between, so I was really excited to get my hands on Rainbow Moon, a new tactical RPG from SideQuest Studios. I hacked, slashed, and…err…tacticked my way through the game to bring you this review.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Pandora’s Tower

It seems to my mind that there are fewer decent RPGs in the console world than there used to be, but a new Wii game, Pandora’s Tower, could be challenging that. Is there still life in both the Wii and the RPG genre? I traipsed around the Towers to find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 is the conclusion to the brilliant sci-fi RPG series detailing Commander Shepard’s efforts to save the galaxy from total destruction. Or at least partial destruction—you can never trust a bad guy to do this sort of thing right. You’ve probably already heard and read many dissenting opinions about the game, so I imagine you’re asking why you should read mine. Because I’m entertaining, that’s why. Also, I have some good, common-person common-sense opinions. So read on.

Flash Games Game Reviews

We Preview: Dragon Age Legends

It seems like a good many games coming out these days have a related Facebook game to try and get the fans excited about the coming blockbuster. Dragon Age: Legends is the companion game to the up-and-coming Dragon Age 2. Legends is still in closed beta, but here’s a preview of what you can expect when the game opens to the public after the jump.