Arty Awesomeness Featured TV

The LOST Dharma Stations

The LOST finale was aired last night, and I’ve been too frightened to go anywhere on the Internet for fear of spoilers. Ironically I stumbled upon FUCK YEAH LOST! a Tumblr site dedicated to the series. It was a Ronal-DOH! moment in soccer terms but I quickly skipped to page two, and then to page three where I found another awesome bit of LOST-inspired artwork.

Neil Richards, a web designer by day (and everything else the rest of the time) has created a fantastic set of posters representing each research laboratory built by the DHARMA Initiative during their time on the Island. Have a look at his LOST Dharma Stations set after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured TV

Wonderfully Retro LOST Posters

You may recall Albert Exergian’s minimal poster for the hit TV series, LOST. If you liked that, then you might enjoy the silk-screened posters by designer Ty Mattson.

Earlier on this year Mattson, a huge fan of the series, sat down to design an invite to a season six premiere party at his house, and ended up creating eight different LOST posters. From enigmatic John Locke to the quintessential eye scenes, his posters are wonderfully retro. See them out after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Beautifully Minimalist Movie Posters by Hexagonall

You may recall the minimalist TV show posters that we featured on the blog back in February (refresh your memory). If you liked that, it may have led you to the Saul-Bass inspired TV title sequences created by Vimeo user Hexagonall (view those intros).

Hexagonall has come under the spotlight again, this time with a selection of minimalist movie posters where he uses very simple elements to capture the essence of that movie. It’s done really well. Have a look at a small selection after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Movies TV Video Clips

“Lost” and “Tron” Title Sequences Re-Imagined in 60s Style

Saul Bass was an American graphic designer best kown for his animated movie title sequences, notably working with Alfred Hitchcock on Vertigo, Psycho, and North by Northwest. Vimeo user Hexagonall pays homage to the simplicity and minimalism of Saul Bass by creating the titles sequences for “Lost” and “Tron” as if Saul Bass had done them himself. The animations are pretty cool and the accompanying music adds to the retro effect.

See the flashy title sequences below.

Lost vs. Saul Bass

Tron vs. Saul Bass

Hexagonall has also created posters to go along with these TV intros. See the set of Lost vs. Saul Bass posters here and the Tron vs. Saul Bass posters here.

[via Gizmodo]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs

Minimalist TV Show Posters by Albert Exergian

Austrian designer Albert Exergian excels in this exercise at minimalism. In his series of posters for popular TV shows, he has boiled down the essence of the show down to its most simplest form. The results are amazing, the shows are instantly recognizable from the symbols that Exergian has used. See ten of these posters after the jump.

See more of Exergian’s minimalist TV show posters at (scroll down to the bottom).

This kind of art literally sells itself so if you’d like to pick up any of these posters, they’re up for sale – GBP 50.00 for an A1 print. More details at Blanka.

[via Shaheemab]

Arty Awesomeness


Dear god I’m tired. It’s time to pop the stay alert sweeties endorsed by the U.S. military. Whilst I get all jittery, check this out. The-White-Tape-Project pays homage to the humble audio cassette by using it as a canvas. The results are like music to my ears – god that pun was terribly off-key. In any case, check out some of the awesome creations after the jump.

Flash Games

Play This: Tuper Tario Tros

Maths can be extremely difficult at times, but not in this instance. What happens when you take the classic platformer Super Mario Bros and add the block-dropping puzzler Tetris to it? Simple – you get Tuper Tario Tros.

In Tuper Tario Tros, world 1-1 starts off as one would expect, but soon Mario comes across obstacles that seem insurmountable. What to do then? Summon the powers of Tetris and build a path that Mario can safely traverse. Use the arrow keys to move, X to jump, and the Space bar to switch between Mario mode and Tetris mode.

Play Tuper Tario Tros at Newgrounds and let us know how you got along. I didn’t do that well, I’m dodgier than that cheesy pick-up line “You plus me, subtract our clothes, divide your legs; multiply.”

[via Kotaku]

Awesomeness Flash Games

Atari Arcade Brings New Life to Old Classics

I can just feel the joy of Atari fans going apoplectic. A pioneer in arcades games, Atari has recently revamped its website and added a new section with with a handful of their classic games for you to play (for free) in your web browser. And yes, they have included the beloved Asteroids and Lunar Lander. Along with each faithful recreation, a online leaderboard allows you to submit your scores.

The fun begins at Atari Arcade.

[via Destructoid]

Bonus: Another old favourite, Quake is also playable in your web browser.

Featured Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Three Frames

The idea behind Three Frames is to deconstruct a movie into a three-framed animated GIF that is on an endless loop. The results are bizarre, retro, and strangely cool.

It’s a basic concept, but if simple things amuse simple minds, then it’s got me hypnotized. Have a look at some of them below – a 1000 points to anyone who guesses which movies the animations are from.

See more at the Three Frames tumblelog. Note that some of the animations are NSFW and could induce seizures.

[via We Heart Stuff]

Featured Mindlessness

Bluntcard: Send One Today!

When it comes to sending greetings to friends and family, I tend to use e-cards for that extra personal touch. I thought Someecards was pretty outrageous but that was because I didn’t know about Bluntcard.

Inappropriate in ways I didn’t think possible, Bluntcard is for when you have to say it clearly. Send one today! :yes:

[via DoobyBrain]