Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

Hilarious Pop Culture Reinterpretations of Classic Art

In her series of 54 “pop reinterpretations”, illustrator Hillary White applies acrylic to canvas and re-imagines classic artworks to include characters from popular films, TV shows, cartoons, and comics.

White paints her reinterpretations in the same style as the old masters would have done and amusingly replaces James Whistler’s mother with a teenage mutant ninja turtle, inserts the hulking Voltron into a Monet, and has Big Bird explaining the musculature of Kermit’s arm to the Muppets in oil painting by Rembrandt.

See some of White’s creative pop culture mashups after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales

RED: A Bloody Reimagining of “Little Red Riding Hood”

Created by filmmakers Jorge Jaramillo and Carlo Guillot, RED is a modern and brutal re-telling of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. In this sinister short film, Little Red Riding Hood is on the run from the big bad wolf. The wolf bears down on the little girl and with no lumberjack to come to her assistant, Little Red Riding Hood must take matters into her own hands.

RED is dark, moody, bloody, and with arresting soundtrack to match. See it below.

[via Ufunk]

Arty Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Star Wars Uncut: The Fan-Made Trailer

Thanks to Casey Pugh, you’ll soon see Star Wars: A New Hope in a completely different light. Pugh’s project Star Wars Uncut aims to recreate the iconic film by chopping it up into into 15-second scenes and asking fans from around the world to remake those scenes. At the end of the project, Pugh will stitch the scenes back together and make the geektastic film available for viewing.

The force is certainly strong with the fan, so much so that the trailer for Star Wars Uncut has just been released. Have a look at it after the jump.