Game Reviews

We Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

As you know, we here at Prawn Central LOVE us some LEGO games, so it’s with a lot of excitement that we got our grubby mitts on LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, the latest LEGO game from Travellers Tales. If you’ve played a LEGO game before, I doubt there’ll be much in this review that’s new to you, but I think you should read it anyhow, if only for the entertainment value. Excelsior!

Game Reviews

We Review: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes

Decent puzzle games are an increasing rarity in the major console world. I’ve always been a big fan of the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, so it was with some excitement that I got my hands on The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, a puzzle adventure game by Frogwares with an original story featuring The Great Detective. Let’s dredge out our magnifying glasses, deerstalkers, and pipes, and see where the trail leads us, shall we?

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: SunFlowers

SunFlowers by The Game Atelier is an arcade-style game for the PS Vita that features a sun…and flowers. Hence the name of the game. I took it for a drive to see if I could shed some light on whether I have a green thumb…or a deadly one.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Darksiders 2

I loved the first Darksiders. From the whodunnit storyline, to the dungeon crawling, to the hacks and slashes, the experience was surprising as it was thrilling. I am a man of simple needs and when I heard that a sequel was in development, I would have been extremely happy to play one with mechanics similar to the first, just with a different character. But without change there is no progress as some people would say. And in Darksiders 2, Vigil Games were not horsing around when they added wholly new gameplay elements to the mix. Do these new elements dilute the experience? Do they welcome new types of players to the game but alienate others? Does bigger mean it’s better? Let’s dance with Death and find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: StarDrone Extreme

Hot on the heels of StarDrone for the PS3, indie developers Alexey Menshikov of Beatshapers and Andriy Sharanevych from Orb Games bring their colourful top-down physics puzzler to the PS Vita. Does StarDrone Extreme play to the strengths of the handheld console? Or is it just another watered down version? Let’s find out.

Game Reviews

We Review: The Splatters

What do you get when you mix a physics-based puzzle game with suicidal blobs of paint, all mixed with some fancy acrobatics? You get The Splatters, of course. I took this game for a messy flip to see what it was all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Happy Feet Two The Video Game

Movie tie-ins are a dime a dozen, and every popular film gets a dumpster-load of merchandise to go with it. So, if you already have your Happy Feet Two™ lunch box, juice bottle, poster, book tie-in, promo plushies, and McDonald’s™ toy, and you’re still wondering what to spend your tie-in budget on, there’s also Happy Feet Two The Video Game, reviewed after the bit that says “Continue Reading”.

Game Reviews Site Announcements

We Review: Mercury Hg (PSN | XBLA)

Mercury Hg (I know it’s tautological—you won’t believe the number of people who insisted on telling me this!) is the latest puzzle-slash-rolling platformer game in a series that started life as Archer Maclean’s Mercury on the PSP. Find out whether this game is completely Boron, a pain in the Arsenic, or pure, unadulterated Gold: after the Br…eak.

Game Reviews Site Announcements

We Review: Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken (PS3)

ROCKETBIЯDS: Hardboiled Chicken is a new platform shooter game for the PS3, available for download only on the PSN. You can almost never go wrong with a good platform game, and platform shooters are even better. Even if the name of the game is actually pronounced “rocketbiyads”. [Ed: By the same token, smartass, your word “review” in the title image is supposed to be pronounced “reviesch”, so it goes both ways.] Does Rocketbirds share the brilliance of other platform shooters? Hit the jump to find out. 

Competitions Site Announcements

The Minkster Competition Winner!

A week has come and gone so quickly and we’re at the end of another Onelargeprawn competition. Super awesome Capetonian graphic designer Alex Seaton created a sliding tile puzzle especially for our competition and to stand a chance of winning one of her cute Minkster flash drives, we asked you to solve that puzzle in the fastest time possible. We tracked these times on a high scores table and after the dust settled, a patient and motivated competitor placed first (and second, and third, and fourth!).

Congratulations go to Donald whose top ranking time wins him a Minkster of his choice. Like all of them in the series, his Minkster includes a wallpaper and icons, a puzzle game, and a bonus paper toy that he can assemble at his desk. Donald, we’ll be in touch shortly to get your delivery details. Hard luck to the other entrants, but we’re going to try our best to host more competitions for you to enter soon.

Once again, a big thanks to Alex at Minky for putting up the prize and creating the flash game for us. If you’d like to buy a Minkster, please call (021) 558 1251 or visit Minky for further information.