Game Reviews

We Review: Everybody’s Golf (PS4)

Everybody’s Golf is a staple of the Playstation brand by now, so I’m definitely not surprised to see it pop up on the Playstation 4. The last I played Everybody’s Golf by developers Clap Hanz was when the Playstation Vita launched back in 2012, and I really enjoyed it, so I was happy to see it return to my screen. I grab my tees and yell for my caddy as I review Everybody’s Golf to find out if it truly is for everybody.

Game Reviews

We Review: BreakQuest Extra Evolution

BreakQuest: Extra Evolution, a Breakout clone, is a PlayStation Minis game from Beatshapers (the same wonderful people who brought us WizOrb, reviewed here). It’s the successor to the original 2004 Break Quest game from Nurium Games (also ported to PSP by Beatshapers). I took up my handy bat and ball to see what it was all about.