Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Set 150 years from now, assuming 2160 AD, there was a colossal war on planet Earth. Combat mechs were designed to play out the war, but when it ended, nobody told them. Now these mechs ravage the lands, still following their century old instruction.

Our story starts you off as a prisoner on a Pyramid slaver ship. The hero then attempts to trail another prisoner who had a head-start on the escape and ends up being ejected off the ship with the aid of a escape pod (I say aid very lightly), to notice that the young woman has beaten him to it.

After the hard crash landing you wake up in a blur to find that she has equipped your forehead with an electronic crown of sorts. It turns out that it is a slave device, which commands you to the will of the slaver. She announces herself as Trip, a member of one of the larger tribes left on earth, who now wants to make her way home with our help. Not that we have a choice, because no one likes dying from an aneurism.

The hero, Monkey (Voiced by Andy “Gollum” Serkis), is a wanderer who travels the land for food and fuel, is now bound to Trip. Equipped with a plasma staff he has to battle his way through impossible battles with mechs of all proportions. The staff also doubles as a rifle of sorts where he is able to target and shoot enemies from a distance.

The +1, Trip (Voiced by Lindsay Shaw), is a computer wizard who helps Monkey through the adventure in every aspect. Be it with scanning environments, combat assistance, or just generally not getting involved.


Alright it is time now to get into the “nitty gritty” of things. The adventure continues after the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Shrek Forever After The Game

The life of a game reviewer can be difficult. Sure, it may SOUND like fun and games, but it often means putting aside games I want to play for games that I’m required to play in order to review. Shrek Forever After is one of those games. In extreme cases, I’d much rather use the game disk as blunt razor and slit my wrists than play the game all the way to the end.

If you can forgive the blood-spattered typing, I’ll just get this review underway then. I promise I won’t waste your time as much as playing this game will.

Ready? 3…2…1…jump!

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Demon’s Souls

Demon’s Souls is, at a very bare-bones level, an epic fantasy RPG with a tongue twister in its name. That description is also about as apt as calling the Internet a “series of tubes”: you’re missing a lot of subtle nuances, nuisances, and other wonderful, shaggy things that begin with the letter “n”. Calling Demon’s Souls “very difficult” doesn’t quite describe the game aptly, either. Nor does calling it “the hardest game you’ll likely play in a long while”. “Brutal”, perhaps. “Punishingly unforgiving”, almost certainly. But at no point is this game “unplayable”. Not by any stretch of the term. Either way, most gamers today are gutless pussies, and this game eats a bowlful of them every morning for breakfast. Without sugar. And with white-hot lava instead of milk. And it hates every mouthful of gutlessness, hoping for a gamer of some substance to come along and give it a chewy challenge for once. Someone that will make it spit you out in disgust because you’ve defied all its attempts to swallow you down and drown you with antacids. Is it you? Are you gamer enough? Will you rise to this challenge? Find out after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: ModNation Racers

Sony’s  “Play, Create, Share” initiative started in 2008 with LittleBigPlanet, a puzzle platformer that not only had the player exploring a set of pre-built levels, but allowed enabled them to create levels of their own and share them online with a global community. LBP centered on user-generated content and in February of this year, an astounding two million levels had been created and shared.

2010 rolls on and United Front Games comes out with an ambitious new IP that takes the same “Play, Create, Share” ethos to the wild world of kart racing. I take ModNation Racers to a day at the track and find out if it has the stuff to capture pole position. See my review after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: God of War III

My god this review is horribly late. It’s so late that even the fast-talking reviewer Yahtzee famous for his tardiness has gotten his done. I’d tell you it’s worth the wait, but the last time a waitress told me that at an Indian restaurant, my food was far from tasty.

By now, you’ve probably played-finished-loved it so whilst you’re here, feel free to read on and compare notes with us. However, if this is your first time hearing about it, join us as we ride along with the Ghost of Sparta in his quest for vengeance in God of War III.

The full review is after the jump.

Competitions Site Announcements

Fantastic Friday: Win A Mystery PS3 Prize Hamper!

Note: This competition has ended. The winner will be announced soon.

Do you like pleasant surprises? Of course you do, and we here at Onelargeprawn take great pleasure in bringing you this one-day only promotion at the bargain basement price of…ZERO. You’re probably shocked, maybe awed, but I assure you it’s good and it’s true.

We’ve been on the blower with our friends at Megarom who are busy putting together a fantastic PS3 prize hamper. No word on the actual contents of the hamper, the secret is kept from us, but what we can tell you is it will consist of a few of the titles that have already been released this year PLUS some other great goodies! The only catch – this competition is valid for one day, today.

Entry into the competition couldn’t be simpler – send an email to with the subject line “Megarom” and the following details:

  • Name
  • Daytime delivery address (no postal addresses)
  • Contact telephone number

Note some of the legal details:

  • Only one entry per person.
  • Open to South African residents only.
  • Competition will close at midnight, Friday, September 18th, 2009.
  • All titles in the hamper are white labels, and as such  these titles cannot be sold.
  • No employees or families of employees of Megarom Interactive or Onelargeprawn are eligible to win this prize.

Don’t delay, act now! Sheer gaming joy awaits one lucky person! :-D

A big shout out to Megarom for sponsoring the mystery hamper.

BONUS: If you want to increase your chances of winning, our friends at PS3Blog, el33tonline, and LazyGamer are running the same competition.

Competitions Gaming News

Holy Game Giveaway, Batman!

Receiving universal acclaim over at Metacritc, Batman: Arkham Asylum sees the dark knight trapped in the iconic psychiatric hospital by the Joker, who intends to throw a party with Batman as the guest of honour. With no option but to fight, Batman must use his gadgetry and ass-kicking abilities to battle Gotham’s worst villains, and ultimately unravel the Joker’s plan.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is expected to release in South Africa on September 9th and is priced from R604 ( If your funds are running low or you just don’t feel like paying for the game then I’ve got good news for you. Our buddies over at PS3Blog are running a super competition where you could stand a chance of winning Batman: Arkham Asylum for Playstation 3 AND The Dark Knight on Blu-ray.

The competition ends on September 7th and is only open to South African residents. See the full deets at PS3Blog.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Gaming News

OMG! What An Awesome Uncharted 2 Trailer

If you ever speak to a PS3 gamer and ask them about the fondest memory they’ve had, more often than not, they’ll tell you about their experience playing Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Developed by Naughty Dog and released exclusively on Playstation 3 in 2007, Uncharted featured stunning visuals, witty dialogue, a great musical score – the kind of high production values one would find in summer blockbuster films. Named PS3 Game of the Year (2007) by IGN, Uncharted has sold over 2.6 million copies worldwide.

And very soon, fortune hunter Nathan Drake will return in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, being pulled back into the treacherous world of mercenary treasure hunters that he had sought to leave behind. Giving nothing of the story away, the latest trailer for Uncharted 2 shows what you can expect from this epic action-adventure title. Have a look, it’s awesome.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves drops October 13th in the U.S. and October 23rd in Europe. You don’t want to miss this – sell your kidney (or preferably someone else’s) if you have. ;-)

[via PS3Blog]

Awesomeness Gaming News

inFAMOUS News Roundup

It’s no far stretch of the imagination when I tell you the last time I felt this excited about a console game was when I purchased Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto IV back in 2008. Those same giddy feelings are back as I anxiously await the release of the Playstation 3 exclusive, inFAMOUS.

Developed by Sucker Punch Productions, inFAMOUS tells the story of bike messenger Cole who survives a massive explosion in Empire City and develops electricity-based powers. Amidst infected residents, violent gangs, and a city that is decaying under his feet, Cole must get to grips with his new powers and the responsibility that comes with it. He is judged by the deeds that he does, be it good or evil – a Karma system keeps track of this, and in turn influences the growth of Cole’s powers and how the city’s residents react towards him. He can be famous, infamous, or maybe a little of both ;-)

If you’ve not been keeping up with news, then I’ve done a link roundup to keep you updated.

  • inFAMOUS gets relatively favourable reviews – 87% based on 19 reviews. Read them via Metacritic
  • Part 1 of the inFAMOUS comic series tells the story of the events that happen prior to the game. See it a Joystiq (7 pages).
  • See various gameplay videos at GameTrailers.
  • Download inFAMOUS wallpapers for your desktop.
  • Pre-order your copy of inFAMOUS from two of the better local online retailers or Take 2.
  • Thinking of importing? Try newcomers Gamesbasement or CDWOW.
  • Nate Fox and David Meyer from Sucker Punch hosted a live chat yesterday. View the Q&A session at the Playstation Blog.
  • There are 50 inFAMOUS trophies that can be unlocked. See them at Console Monster.

inFAMOUS is slated for release in South Africa on Friday, May 29th. Fingers crossed it gets released that day. I have already purchased tranquilizers and alcohol in case of bad news.

Game Reviews

Review: Motorstorm Pacific Rift

Motorstorm Pacific Rift Box ArtThe original Motorstorm was the first game I experienced on the PS3, and I played it to death. The graphics were fantastic, and the gameplay, despite being difficult to master at times, appealed to my inner madman.

Not many other racing games (with the notable exception of Burnout Paradise) have made me feel exhilarated and charged up to win as Motorstorm did, and 20 months later, I’m glad to say that the sequel, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, not only re-awakens the old feelings, but cranks them into overdrive.

Brutal off-road racing is back with a vengeance! In Pacific Rift, the festival has moved from the deep canyons and spires of Monument Valley to a previously unexplored island rich in lush forests, crystal-clear waterfalls, pristine beaches, smoking hot volcano fields, and mist-covered mountain peaks.

Hit the jump to read the rest of the review.