Another year another FIFA game, with a year number appended to it, and this time FIFA 17 has a new new things to share with us. Yes, they’re all soccer related. I’ll go get my boots and my ball and I’ll meet you on the pitch for this review.
Tag: Playstation 3
We Review: Soldner-X 2 (PS Vita)
Soldner-X (or more properly, Söldner-X, a German term meaning “mercenary X”) was a side-scrolling bullet hell shoot-em up (“shmup”) game released in 2007 for the PS3. It was fairly well-received, and received a follow-up game, Soldner-X 2:Final Prototype in 2010. Today’s review is the PlayStation Vita port of the game. I suit up, and jump into the cockpit of my fighter ship because my trigger-finger is itchy. Let’s see how well the Vita version stands up on its own, shall we?
We Review: OlliOlli (3DS/Wii U)
OlliOlli is a 2D sidescrolling skateboarding game where you have to perform skateboard tricks for sick and gnarly scores. The name of the game, obviously, comes from the name of the skateboarding trick, the Ollie, and you have to make your way across various bits of urban jungle in search of the best scores and the grooviest moves. I don my helmet and kneepads, grab my board, and prepare to gleam the cube.
We Review: Thief
Back in 1998, Eidos released Thief: The Dark Project as a massive “up your ziggy with a wahwah brush” to the entire first person shooter genre. As you probably already know (but which, for the sake of narrative flow in a review, I’m going to tell you again), the game eschewed the “3 guns a-blazing, 2 foes a-dying, and a partridge in a pear tree” style of FPS that was made popular by Doom, Hexen, Quake, and Unreal. Instead, it opted for a “tread softly and carry a big bag for loot” approach. First person stealth! How novel! And of course, the game was an instant success. So now in 2014, we have the highly-anticipated reboot of the game, simply titled “Thief”. Let’s open the bag of loot and see what we’ve absconded with.
We Review: The Last of Us
Naughty Dog hardly needs no introduction to the PS3 gamer. The much-loved creators of the Uncharted franchise has been thrilling audiences with the derring-do antics of Nathan Drake since 2007. To date, the Uncharted franchise has sold over 13 million copies and Naughty Dog has garnered a number of accolades, including over 200 “Game of the Year” awards for 2009’s Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
Four years later, and Naughty Dog is back in the spotlight, but this time Nathan Drake isn’t laying waste to the population of a small country. The Last of Us is a new IP that takes us in a different direction, to a much darker time and place. With Naughty Dog’s track record, there is little risk of getting a clunker, so the pertinent question should be, “Just how *good* is The Last of Us?” Find out after the jump.
Every once in a while, there comes a game that brings back my faith in a given genre of video games where all else makes that genre look tired, clichéd, and overtroped. If you’re not aware by now, Ni No Kuni is the first non-Pokémon JRPG to top the UK game charts in ten years. I’m going to tell you why. And why—even if you don’t generally enjoy RPGs—you should play this game.
We Review: Rainbow Moon
Ever since I played Final Fantasy Tactics, I’ve loved tactical RPGs. Sadly, the decent ones are few and far between, so I was really excited to get my hands on Rainbow Moon, a new tactical RPG from SideQuest Studios. I hacked, slashed, and…err…tacticked my way through the game to bring you this review.
We Review: Awesomenauts
What do you get when you cross an 80s style intro with funky animation, powerups, and insane multiplayer side-scrolling game play? You get Awesomenauts, of course. You could also get a lemon meringue pie if you get the ingredients wrong, but mostly you’ll get Awesomenauts. I took to the battleground to see what this game was all about.
We Review: Wipeout 2048
The Wipeout series of video games (nothing in common with the Wipeout TV series!) has always been one of the games for Sony consoles that show off what insane graphical power the machine is capable of, and the PS Vita is, to use the hackneyed term, “no different” with its release title, Wipeout 2048. The question is: is this version of Wipeout any good and worth playing? Let’s find out.
We Review: Grand Slam Tennis 2
EA is well known for the sports games it produces, most notably the FIFA branded soccer games (the latest of which, FIFA 12, is still one of the best-selling soccer games around). I’m not a sports nut, however, so it was with a little bit of trepidation that I put EA’s Grand Slam Tennis 2 into the drive tray of my console and fired it up. Find out in this review what surprises, if any, this game had in store for me.