Cautionary Tales

Sorry I Missed Your Party

However empty you think your beer glass may be, you can solace in the fact that somewhere in the world, another person who is having a worse time than you. In the same vein as the misfortunes on Fuck My Life, Texts from Last Night, and Awkward Family Photos, comes a site that sifts through photos from parties that you missed but really should have attended. Here are some of my favourites:

Thank Goodness It’s LAN Party Friday!

Isn’t it weird that the kind of people who dress like they’re really into a 90s concept of hackerdom probably the most boring ilife? I mean, what are these guys up to, updating their Friendster pages? Buying an album on iTunes and actually burning it onto a CD?

Strange Boobs

It seems like I’ve been posting a lot of pictures of scary boobs lately. This photo I guess kind of echoes my feelings, because it appears to actually be trying to run away from the woman it’s attached to.

Condiments of the Night

I expect it from some college kids or bummed out looking dudes, so when well dressed bankers pass out in a fast food joint and heartlessly pour condiments on their friend’s head, it’s like falling in love all over again.

No Want

I’ve never quite seen two people be so totally sexually repulsed by each other as this pair.

See more at Sorry I Missed Your Party [some photos NSFW]