Puzzle fans, have I got a game for you! We’re going to be reviewing Picross 3D Round 2 for the Nintendo 3DS today, so get your thinking caps on and let’s get going!
We Review: Picross 3D Round 2

Puzzle fans, have I got a game for you! We’re going to be reviewing Picross 3D Round 2 for the Nintendo 3DS today, so get your thinking caps on and let’s get going!
Picross (“Picture Crossword”) is a series of logic puzzle games (nonograms) on Nintendo’s DS family of consoles, and it can thought of as an agglomeration of paint-by-numbers, Sudoku, crosswords, and good old Numberwang. You’re presented with a grid with numbers along the top and side, and using the numbers as clues, you fill the grid in to reveal a pixel picture. It sounds simple, but it can get ridiculously difficult in the later stages. Picross e5 is the latest 3DS download version of the game, and has 150 new puzzles, and includes all the modes of play from prior games. I try to fill in the blanks to bring you this review.