Arty Video Clips

The Page Turner

Joseph Herscher from Brooklyn New York likes to build rube goldberg machines. In his latest long-winded contraption, he shows you how to turn the page of a newspaper, the Joseph Herscher way. It’s a 19-step process that even involves agitating a hamster. Have a look at The Page Turner below.

[via PS3ZA]

Entertainment News Useful/Useless Info

Hilarious Newspaper Headlines

I’ve heard that proof-reading is a thankless job. I’m sure that proof-readers and subs on newspapers sometimes just can’t resist slipping a sly and amusing mistake into copy.  Other times of course these “slip-ups” are the result of a lazy incompetent twit. Well, intentional or not, these typos are funny nonetheless.

The Great Arsehole Debate

Truck Leaves Rubber On The Road

See a few more after the jump.