College Humor investigates this question and comes up with this in-depth documentary. The answer is sordid, but predictable.
Found at Geekologie.
College Humor investigates this question and comes up with this in-depth documentary. The answer is sordid, but predictable.
Found at Geekologie.
I don’t know about you, but to me, one of the best things about pets like cats and dogs is their cuddly furriness. For allergy sufferers however this cuddly yumminess results in a rather unattractive and unfortunate mien of red swollen eyes and a nasty streaming nose. However help is at hand…some enterprising (if that’s a strong enough word) people have taken the time and effort to breed dogs especially for this sniffly lot. The American Hairless Terrier is touted as a perfectly hypo-allergenic dog.
The poor (but still cuteish) beasties look quite naked, and appear to be super high maintenance – needing baths several times a week, applications of skin lotion (lanolin free ONLY!), sunscreen whenever they are outside, and clothes to protect them from the cold. Yikes you might as well have a baby! The up-side is of course no allergic reactions but also I guess no fur equals no fleas, and there’ll also be no need to vacuum pounds of dog hair off your living room every couple of days.
In case you’re interested, you can read more about these kinky beasts at several dog oriented sites including naked heart and dog breed info.