Awesomeness Flash Games Music

Code Organ Makes Sweet Internet Music

Oh my. I don’t think the week could have started on a more playful note. The magical, mechanical Code Organ takes a website URL as an input, goes to work on the site’s content, and then spits out an instrumental track. Here’s the geek-speak:

The Codeorgan analyes the ‘body’ content of any web page and translates that content into music. The Codeorgan uses a complex algorithm to define the key, synth style and drum pattern most appropriate to the page content.

Firstly, the Code Organ scans the page contents and removes all characters not found in the musical scale (A to G), and then analyses the remaining characters to find the most commonly used “note”. If this is an even number the page is translated to the major pentatonic scale of that particular note, it becomes minor if there is an uneven number.

Secondly the Code Organ defines which synthesizer to use. This is based upon the total number of characters used on the webpage – there are currently 10 synthesizer effects and the one chosen is picked based upon the percentage of content.

Lastly the Code Organ selects a drum loop based on the ratio of characters on the page versus the number of characters that are actually musical notes – there are currently 10 different drum loops to pick from.

Have a listen to the sweet sounds that Onelargeprawn makes. And head to Code Organ to try out other websites.

[via johannschwella]


Wu Tang vs The Beatles

British music producer Tom Caruana at Tea Sea Records has combined a cappella tracks from Wu Tang and samples from The Beatles songs into an epic mashup album entitled Enter The Magical Mystery Chambers.

I’m not sure how legal this is, but hell, it’s Friday, so we can throw caution to the fokken wind. Download the remix album for free at – you’ll need to register on the site (it’s free to join) before getting a link to the album, which is around 190 160 MB. I’ll get this from home, but if you’ve used your work bandwidth to get a hold of it, let us know what it’s like.

[via Wezzo]

Awesomeness Music Video Clips

Looping Around The House

It’s Friday and my urge to work is as tenuous as the link between masturbating and hairy palms.

I am on the search for awesomeness and stumbled upon Simon Panrucker mucking about in his parent’s house. You’d think that is hardly worth mentioning but he has created a pretty cool tune by looping different noises he made around the house. Check it out below.

For more music check

[via The Awesomer]

Music Useful/Useless Info

Taxonomy: Heavy Metal Band Names

Graphic designer and comedian Doogie Horner created this entertaining heavy metal band name taxonomy.  The down-pointing pentagram is a very nice touch.

Click to see bigger.

– via Boing Boing.


Musebin, For Tiny Album Reviews

My ADD-riddled brain muscle doesn’t really have the capacity to read through the thousands of words that make up a Rolling Stone album review. What I need is a quick consensus, a 1-liner, to-the-point, no beating around the bush, long-story-short.

That’s where Musebin comes in. Like Twitter, it limits each album review to a single, 140-character line. And like Reddit, it allows users to rate those reviews up or down using Yea or Nay buttons.

Check it out at

Music Video Clips

Smack My Bitch Up – Beatboxing Edition

It’s Smack My Bitch Up, but not as you know it. Polish beatboxing act Al-Fatnujah perform a Prodigy classic.

Click Play or go to Youtube.

Incidentally, if anyone still remembers Prodigy, their fifth studio album Invaders Must Die is going to be released on February 23rd, 2009.  The single, Invaders Must Die, from the forthcoming album is certainly not as hard-hitting as I was expecting. And it sounded like The Chemical Brothers.

Click Play to watch the single or go to Youtube.

Arty Flash Games

Auditorium – A Game of Music and Light

Auditorium is a fantastic, relaxing puzzle game composed of music and light. In each level, you need to manipulate the flow of light towards what look like equalizer boxes. You can move the directional buttons, and click and drag the edges to herd the light. When  all the boxes are full, you proceed to the next level.

Auditorium is a really intriguing and addictive multisensory experience — part puzzle game, part light sculpture, part musical instrument – Peter Cohen, Macworld

Pay the game at Play Auditorium.