The latest game in the Assassin’s Creed saga was recently released, and it features a new protagonist to replace Ezio Audittore. Let’s see how well the stabbing, killing, maiming, and adventuring continues, shall we?
We Review: Assassin’s Creed 3

The latest game in the Assassin’s Creed saga was recently released, and it features a new protagonist to replace Ezio Audittore. Let’s see how well the stabbing, killing, maiming, and adventuring continues, shall we?
I am a big guy. 1.91m weighing in at a megaton, I don’t get to sneak around very silently very often. So sometimes playing a game like Hitman Absolution reminds me why I became a gamer. You get to do things you can’t always do in real life. Also I should do some sit-ups. Let’s find out why after the jump.
It’s been a decent few years for reboots of old gaming franchises, from Syndicate to Duke Nukem to just about anything in-between. The latest game to receive this sort of treatment is XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a reboot of the 90s game series, XCOM. The original series was an amazing tour-de-force of strategy gaming, and set an incredible bar for other games in the genre. Let’s see if the reboot is worthy of its ancestors.
Although Final Fantasy is perhaps one of the best–known JRPGs in English-speaking territories, many other, lesser known ones have been slowly migrating out of the Land of the Rising Sun (notable among them being the Monster Hunter series). One of the latest in this bunch of games is Tales of Graces f (or as my wife loves to call it: Tales of GrFaces—seriously…look at the logo!), part of the Tales series of games. Like Final Fantasy, the games in the Tales series have very little to do with each other, other than the name. Of course, this piqued my interested. Since I have a genuine love of and passion for JRPG games, I decided to see the sights in this game and see if it’s worth the price of admission.
Ezio’s back, and this time he’s brought Altaïr with him in another fun-filled, stabby romp around around Europe. This time, Ezio takes us to beautiful Constantinople (now it’s named Istanbul). Is the outing to Constantinople any better than the picnic in Rome? Do we prefer renaissance Turks to renaissance Italians? Let’s go exploring to find out.
Superhero games are one of those strange phenomena where things could be amazing, or they could be terrible. In the former category, for example, we have the wonderful Batman: Arkham Asylum. In the latter category, we have the infamous Superman 64, arguably the worst comic-to-video-game adaptation in existence. Superman 64 was so bad, in fact, that MTV Gamer’s 2.0 rated it the No. 1 worst game of 1999. I am fairly certain that the only game worse than Superman 64 is 1982’s E.T. The Extraterrestrial for the Atari 200 console, a game that was so bad that Atari actually buried the cartridges in a landfill in New Mexico (Wikipedia), and might actually have been responsible for the great Video Game Crash of 1983 (Wikipedia). Imagine how ridiculously unplayable a game must be to actually crash an entire market sector. Thankfully, X-Men Destiny is not as bad as Superman 64, and certainly not as terrible as E.T., as much as certain other reviewers would have you think that is the case. Is it any good at all, though? One brave reviewer, armed with nothing more than a video game controller and an iron constitution, ventured into the world of X-Men to find out.
Your favourite gaming reviewer (that’s me, by the by) went to the 2011 rAge expo at the Coca Cola Dome in Johannesburg this weekend.
I got a good look at some of the most exciting up and coming games for the next few months, and even got hands on with a few of them, where I was able to kick, punch, hit, and beg my way to the front. Hit the jump to find out what went down at the event.
Our Red Dead Crossword competition has ended and we’re hoping to make Friday marginally better for one lucky person. We were giving away hamper of consisting of Red Dead Redemption merchandise and a set of classic western movies on DVD. To stand a chance of winning said hamper, entrants were tasked with solving our wild west themed crossword puzzle and then decoding the anagram that was formed by specially marked letters on the puzzle. The answer we were looking for was NIGHT HAWK, which in cowboy terms, is a person who watches over a herd of cattle during the night.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the crossword, we hope you had a good time. The first entry appeared in our inbox within 56 minutes and that industrious person got two extra entries into our draw. We turned to the Randomizer to pick our winner – could it be you? Find out after the jump.
NOTE: This competition has ended, sorry.
I can’t recall being this excited for a game since Uncharted and Grand Theft Auto IV. Rockstar’s critically acclaimed Red Dead Redemption gets released in South Africa today. It was a bumpy road on the way here as the stock got unceremoniously bumped off flights from Europe due to the ash from that inconvenient Icelandic volcano. I’ve ordered mine through local online retailer and they’ve been sacrificing all manner of organic material to the gods to ensure their customers get the game on time. Whilst I wait for my copy to arrive, I just wanted to remind you about our latest competition.
We’re giving away some cool Red Dead Redemption merchandise and a set of great westerns on DVD. The contents of the hamper are:
To stand a chance of winning the hamper, you need to solve our wild west inspired crossword puzzle. The competition ends next week on Thursday, May 27th. You can find the full details on the official competition post. Good luck!
NOTE: This competition has ended, sorry.
I’ve been quietly excited about Rockstar Games’ upcoming title for short a while now but with every trailer, gameplay video, and featurette that has come along, the excitement has grown to a deafening crescendo. And in a mere seven days (four if you live in the U.S.), gamers around the world will be able to saddle up and travel back to the American frontier. It’s the early 1900s and a time of violent change, the death of the Wild West is at hand, and former outlaw John Marston is just trying to live a straight life. Violence touches Marston again and he is forced to hunt down his old companions to bury his past, one gunslinger at a time. That’s the gist of the epic western, Red Dead Redemption, which will be coming to all good gaming consoles (sorry Wii owners) on May 21st. In case you missed it, click here to see the launch trailer that aired yesterday.
To get you in the mood for Red Dead Redemption, our friends at Megarom and Look & Listen have put together a sweet hamper for us to give away to one lucky (and industrious) reader. Instead of the usual Flash game type of competition, we’ve gone back to a format from last year that proved both interesting and educational – a crossword puzzle! And to win the hamper, all you will need to do is solve our little puzzle. The Internet is your encyclopaedia so it should be fun, like shooting fish in a barrel. Find all the competition details after the jump.