Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Movies

The Most Delicious Imperial Star Destroyers You Ever Did See

Artist Roland Tamayo combines Star Wars and food to create the most delicious Star Destroyers you ever did see.

Tamayo takes keeps bridge part of the iconic class of warship intact but replaces the familiar triangular-shaped wedge with treats like pizza, birthday cake, cherry pie, strawberry cheesecake, and a quesadilla. It’s a combination that looks good enough to eat. Check them out below.

Animal Kingdom Arty Featured Weirdness

Bizarre Animal Morphs

deviantART user HumanDescent from the U.K. has a vivid imagination. The digital artist thinks up what different species of animal would look like if they were interbred, and with the power of Photoshop, makes that union happen. Nosferatu is mashed up with a frog to create Nosferafrog. A Rabbick is a rabbit combined with a baby chicken, and one of his cutest creations is a Pog.

Have a look at some of his hilariously bizarre animal morphs after the jump.