Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Incredible Images of the Earth at Night

The Blue Marble has never looked so pretty as it does in these images. Shared on Imgur, the images show relief maps of continents around the world, wonderfully illuminated by pockets of light.

South Africa is pictured too, but a local has concerns about the validity of the image.

Have a look at 10 of our favourite images of the Earth at Night.

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A Vintage Map of a Woman’s Heart

In the 19th century America, women were expected to hold up to an ideal that was “True Womanhood.” There were four corner stones of true womanhood — piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity. It was these virtues by which women would be judged, and those who possessed all of them would be assured happiness in life. This idealized version of women was advertised in newspapers, magazines, and somewhere between the years of 1833 and 1842, D. W. Kellogg created a lithograph of a map of a woman’s heart.

Entitled A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart, the map had love at the centre of a woman’s heart, with a range of mountains that protected it from the dangers of selfishness, fickleness, vanity, and flirtatious behaviour. A sizeable part of the map wass taken up by the love of fashion, where it seems there was even a monument dedicated to it. It certainly painted women as shallow creatures and the subtitle seemed to be a warning to those thinking of travelling the lands. It read, “Exhibiting its internal communications, and the facilities and dangers to Travellers therein.”

Have a look at this vintage map after the jump.

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The Longest Way

On November 9th 2007 (and his 26th birthday) the clean-cut, beardless Christoph Rehage planned to take a little stroll from Beijing, China all the way to his hometown of Hanover, Germany. Whilst he didn’t accomplish the feat on foot, he did spend a year trekking through China. During his journey from Beijing to the town of Urumqi, Rehage walked an astounding 4646 kilometres!

During that time he grew a mighty long beard, and his inspiring time-lapse video The Longest Way chronicles the journey and his hair growth. The Times Online think it could be the best travel video of 2009. Take at look at it below; I would recommend however that you see it in HD at YouTube.

BONUS: If you have the time, MapVivo plots out his route. They currently have 237 days of his trip available for you to browse – on each day you can read his notes and see the photos that he took. Check it out!

[via Trendhunter]


Online Cartography: The Internet Mapping Project

The Interwebs is a vast, intangible, untameable place. Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick at Wired magazine, considers it “immense ghost land of disembodied places” that we are able to navigate through every day and return with our body parts intact. So he reckoned we must have a rough map of the Internet in our heads, and at a recent TED conference, he asked people to draw a map of the Internet as they see it, indicating their “home” on the map.

He has collected over 50 maps so far. Here’s a small gallery – click to embiggen.

See more maps at Kevin Kelly’s flickr set.

You can get involved in the Internet Mapping Project by downloading the blank PDF from Kelly’s website and submitting your own map.

[via picocool]