Arty Video Clips

“L.A. Light” Time-Lapse

“Shooting time lapses is a labor of love and a study in patience.” So says photographer Colin Rich who spent over six months to shoot Los Angeles at night.

Rich uses a variety of equipment and shooting angles to capture the different scenes of L.A. He pairs his time-lapse video, LA Light, with an equally beautiful song “To Build a Home” by The Cinematic Orchestra.

[via Fubiz]

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: L.A. Noire

The world was a completely different place back in the late 1940s, and many things we take for granted did not exist: today’s gender and race equality ideals had not been born yet, and neither had the Internet. Man had yet to step on the moon, and the world was just freshly scarred from a global war. Rockstar Games’ L.A. Noire pulls us back through time to that era to find out what life was like with the LAPD. Did they do a good job? And is the game any good? Hit the jump to find out.

Mindlessness Video Clips

Kiwi Girls at the Bottom of Ass-Cam Sting

Two girls from the country of New Zealand decided to run an experiment where they attached a tiny camera to their rear-ends and took a walk though the sunny streets of Los Angeles. The centre of silly studies (not real name) claims the results as obvious – both sexes had a good ogle at the swaying derrieres, and even Jesus (from West Hollywood) stole a quick glance. The girls, Reanin Johannink and Jessie Gurunathan, posted their video on YouTube and it has racked up over five million hits since it debuted a week ago. Check out Rear View Girls – Los Angeles below.

[via MrSmithMarchine on Twitter]

Gaming News

Keeping it Local: E3 Gaming News from SA Blogs

Usually we like to leave gaming news up to our friends at the local gaming blogs… and today is no exception ;-) . If you’re a gamer then your attention should be firmly fixed on the happenings at the annual trade show E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) where video game developers rock up to show off their upcoming games and game-related hardware.

E3 2009 is in full swing from today until June 4th at the Los Angeles Convention Center and in our link loving post today we’ll cover some of the E3 news as reported by the South African gaming blogs. Check it:

  • A selection of the most exciting videos shown at E3. Assassin’s Creed 2 is in Venice and Metal Gear Solid: Rising comes to the Xbox 360.
  • Details from Microsoft’s impressive press conference. Good things are afoot.
  • Project Natal is Microsoft’s new motion controller that’s not really a controller at all. Could this dethrone Nintendo in the motion sensing department?
  • See Project Natal in action. Looks fun if a little nerdy and has the potential to cause self-injury.
  • EA release screenshots of Need For Speed: SHIFT. Will this title boost the franchise out of the doldrums?
  • Dante’s Inferno Trailer at E3. “Go to Hell” is an appropriate slogan.
  • PC-killer Crysis sees sequel heading to consoles. Crysis 2 says no consoles to needed be upgraded – hooray!

If you’ve found interesting E3 articles on other local gaming blog, let us know.

[via Lazygamer | el33tonline | CuriousOnion | PS3 Blog]