Game Reviews

We Review: Lego The Hobbit

TT Games certainly has been busy lately. Not too long ago we reviewed The Lego Movie Videogame, and hot on its heels comes the Lego version of The Hobbit. You might want to refer back to our review of Lego Lord of the Rings, because this is going to be a “what’s different” kind of review. Ready? Good…let’s break some things.

Game Reviews

We Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

As you know, we here at Prawn Central LOVE us some LEGO games, so it’s with a lot of excitement that we got our grubby mitts on LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, the latest LEGO game from Travellers Tales. If you’ve played a LEGO game before, I doubt there’ll be much in this review that’s new to you, but I think you should read it anyhow, if only for the entertainment value. Excelsior!