Flash Games

Mid-Week Time Waster: RotatSpin

The Evil Crab Lord has stolen your hat and you must get it back from the thieving bastard. This is the plot behind the endearing, frustrating, confusing, and compelling skill game RotatSpin.

You need to get your pixelated man to the end of each level pressing forward to run faster or backwards to slow down and hitting the spacebar to jump. You’ll explode if you hit any obstacles and touching the spinning things rotates the camera randomly. From the precision-timed jumps to the mind-hurting angles, you’ll need quick reflexes and some lateral thinking to get through the levels. You have an unlimited amount of lives and you’ll certainly need them.

I haven’t sworn this much since the time I lip-synced to Slim Shady records back in the day. I got to level 22 and called it quits, fucking thing. Drop us a comment and let us know how you got along.

Play RotatSpin at Armor Games. [via Indie Games]