Mindlessness Useful/Useless Info Weirdness

Fishy Jewelry

I love sushi. Sushi is easily my favourite food, and if I could choose how I was going to die, I’d want to die in a bathtub filled with salmon roses.

This is taking it a bit far though. Seriously, sushi jewelry? Everyone around you is going to think that you got your ring in a R10 lucky packet.

Nevertheless, some people would actually buy this stuff, which is what’s fascinating…

[via Gearfuse]


Reid Peppard’s Disturbing Taxidermy Jewellery

Just this morning a co-worker mentioned how dapperly I was. Normally I consider that as hate speech upon my person – I am trying hard for the subversive gangster vibe and dapper totally throws that out of whack. However, if I were to be a neatly dressed young man as suggested, I would need something to accentuate the look, and what better than the off-colour fashion accessories from designer Reid Peppard.

Peppard is a British taxidermist (and vegetarian) who has launched a line of taxidermy jewellery. From guinea pig hair combs to mouse neck chains, to rat head cufflinks, Peppard’s creations may be a tad off-colour and morbid, but could be surprisingly versatile when paired with boho or beach-inspired look. I have no idea what I just said but here are some images of Peppard’s jewellery.

Would you be comfortable wearing something like this? Let us know.

[via izismile]